Chapter 4

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After attending all the meetings, Marcus shut down his computer and gathered his belongings, he couldn't shake the tension coiling in his stomach. Dinner with his dad was never easy, especially considering their strained relationship. He glanced at Ben, who was waiting by the door, sensing Marcus's unease.

"Ready to go?" Ben asked, his tone laced with concern.

Marcus nodded, offering a tight-lipped smile. "Yeah, let's get this over with."

They stepped out of the office building into the crisp evening air, the city lights beginning to flicker to life as the sun dipped below the horizon. They both slid into the backseat of his car, the silence between them heavy with anticipation. Once they were on the road, Ben couldn't resist breaking the tension. "You okay, Marcus? You seem...tensed."

Marcus sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's just dinner with my dad. You know how it is." "Yeah, I do," Ben replied sympathetically. "But hey, maybe it won't be as bad as you think. Maybe he'll surprise you."

Marcus chuckled bitterly. "Yeah, maybe pigs will fly, too."

Ben shot him a sideways glance, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "You never know, stranger things have happened."

Marcus nodded, a flicker of hope dancing in his eyes despite his reluctance. Perhaps tonight would be different, but deep down, he doubted it. As Marcus and Ben stepped into the warm glow of their villa, they were greeted by Marcus's sister, Katherine, who was bustling about the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on dinner.

"Hey, you two," Katherine called out, a bright smile lighting up her face as she set down a dish. "Glad you could make it. I missed you brother. You don't even come to see me."

"Hey, Kat," Marcus replied, mustering up a smile of his own. "Thanks for having us. Sorry I was just busy and moreover you too could have come to my apartment." Kathy just gave him a side glare and huffed in annoyance.

Ben chimed in with a warm greeting. "Hey, Katherine. Smells amazing in here." Katherine beamed at him, her eyes flickering with concern as she glanced at Marcus. "Is everything okay?"

Marcus nodded, though the tightness in his chest betrayed his facade. "Yeah, just the usual."

Katherine gave him a sympathetic look, her expression softening. "Well, hopefully dinner will be a nice distraction." Marcus hoped she was right as they made their way to the dining table, the aroma of home-cooked food enveloping them. Maybe tonight wouldn't be as dreadful as he had feared, especially with his sister's comforting presence.

As Marcus and Katherine exchanged small talk with Ben, their father's sudden appearance sent a ripple of tension through the room. Marcus stiffened visibly, his mood darkening as his father entered, a stern expression etched on his face.

"Good evening, everyone," their father greeted, his tone formal and distant. "Good evening dad", Katherine warmly said while Ben slightly bowed and softly said, "Hello sir, good evening".

"Evening," Marcus muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Katherine and Ben exchanged concerned looks, silently acknowledging the palpable discomfort in the air. They both knew how strained Marcus's relationship with their father was, and they braced themselves for the awkwardness that inevitably followed.

Throughout dinner, conversation was strained and stilted, punctuated by long pauses and forced pleasantries. Marcus kept his gaze fixed on his plate, his jaw clenched as he picked at his food, his father's presence looming over him like a dark cloud.

Katherine attempted to lighten the mood with anecdotes and jokes, but her efforts fell flat against the weight of the tension in the room. Ben chimed in with supportive comments, trying to ease the atmosphere, but even his good-natured banter couldn't dispel the palpable unease. As the evening wore on, Marcus's discomfort only grew, his resentment towards his father simmering just beneath the surface. Despite Katherine and Ben's best efforts to salvage the dinner, it was clear that the rift between father and son ran deep, casting a shadow over the entire evening.

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