Chapter 7

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Both Elowen and Viola started their job hunting after their one week of arrival in New York because they don't have much time, since their university is starting after two days.

As Elowen and Viola stepped into the art studio, they were greeted by the soft hum of creativity buzzing in the air. The walls adorned with vibrant canvases and sculptures gave the space an aura of inspiration. Elowen straightened her blazer nervously while Viola flashed her a reassuring smile.

Elowen approached the reception desk, where a young woman with colorful streaks in her hair sat typing away on a laptop. "Hi, we're here for Elowen Morelli's interview," she said, her voice carrying a hint of excitement mixed with apprehension.

The receptionist looked up, her eyes brightening with warmth. "Great! Elowen, right? The studio manager, Fabio, will be with you shortly. You can have a seat over there," she gestured towards a cozy nook with plush armchairs.

As they settled into the chairs, Viola leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "So, what's the position you're interviewing for?" Elowen fidgeted with her portfolio before replying, "It's for a junior art director role. I'm hoping to get some hands-on experience before classes start."

Viola nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "It sounds perfect for you. You've got the talent and the passion, Elowen. I'm sure you'll nail it." A mix of nerves and excitement danced in Elowen's eyes as she glanced around the studio. "Thanks, Viola. I really hope so. This opportunity could set the tone for my entire time here."

Before Viola could respond, a tall man with a kind smile emerged from a door marked "Fabio - Studio Manager." "Elowen?" he called, and she rose to her feet, her heart pounding with anticipation.

As she disappeared behind the door with Fabio, Viola watched with a mix of pride and anticipation. She knew that whatever happened in that interview room, Elowen's talent would shine through.

As Elowen settled into the interview with Fabio, she found herself swept up in a lively conversation about her aspirations, artistic influences, and her vision for the role of a junior art director. Fabio's genuine interest in her work and ideas put her at ease, allowing her passion to shine through. "So, Elowen, what drew you to our studio?" Fabio inquired, his eyes bright with curiosity.

"Well, your studio's commitment to fostering creativity and pushing boundaries really resonated with me," Elowen replied, her voice steady despite the flutter of nerves in her stomach. "I believe art has the power to evoke emotions, spark conversations, and drive change, and I want to be a part of that."

Fabio nodded thoughtfully, impressed by her articulate response. "I couldn't agree more. We're always looking for fresh perspectives and talents like yours to join our team."

As the interview progressed, Elowen's confidence grew, fueled by Fabio's encouraging words and genuine enthusiasm for her work. Just when she thought the interview was winding down, Fabio leaned forward with a smile. "Elowen, I'm thoroughly impressed by what you bring to the table. Your passion, creativity, and drive are exactly what we're looking for in a junior art director."

Elowen's heart skipped a beat, her excitement bubbling over. "Thank you so much, Fabio! I would love the opportunity to be a part of this team." Fabio's smile widened as he extended his hand. "Then consider yourself part of the team. You can start next week."

Her eyes widened in shock, a surge of joy flooding her veins. She had expected to wait anxiously for a decision, but here she was, being offered the opportunity of a lifetime on the spot. "Really?!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her elation.

Fabio chuckled at her reaction, his own excitement mirrored in his eyes. "Absolutely. We're thrilled to have you on board, Elowen."

As she left the interview room, Elowen couldn't wipe the grin off her face. She had come to New York in search of opportunities, and it seemed the city was already opening doors for her.

Viola's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she approached Elowen, who practically floated out of the interview room with a radiant grin. "Well, spill the beans! How did it go?"

Elowen practically beamed as she shared the news. "It was amazing, Viola! Fabio offered me the junior art director position on the spot. I start next week!"

Viola's face lit up with genuine excitement. "Oh my gosh, Elowen, that's incredible! I knew you'd nail it. This is just the beginning for you."

As they exchanged hugs and high-fives, Viola's excitement for her friend was palpable. Then, the conversation turned to Viola's own job hunt.

"So, what's the update on your end? Any leads?" Elowen asked, her curiosity piqued.

Viola nodded eagerly. "Actually, yes! I stopped by a couple of places earlier today. I'm considering either a bookstore or a café. I spoke with the managers, and they seemed interested. Now, I'm just waiting for their call."

Elowen grinned, her enthusiasm undiminished by her own success. "That's fantastic, Viola! I have no doubt you'll charm them with your warmth and charm. Plus, it sounds like either place would be a perfect fit for you."

Viola chuckled, a hint of excitement lacing her voice. "Thanks, Elowen. I'm really hoping something comes through soon. It would be great to have a job lined up before university starts." Whether in art studios, bookstores, or cafés, they were ready to take on the adventures that awaited them in the bustling streets of New York City.

As Elowen stepped out of the art studio, her mind buzzing with excitement and plans for the future, she failed to notice the treacherously slippery floor beneath her feet. Just as she was about to lose her balance, strong arms wrapped around her, preventing her from falling. Startled, she looked up to see none other than Marcus Hernandez, the infamous cold, grumpy, and seemingly emotionless billionaire boss of New York.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as Elowen found herself locked in Marcus's embrace. His usually stoic expression softened ever so slightly as he steadied her, his eyes briefly meeting hers before he gently released her. "Careful there," Marcus murmured in his deep, velvety voice, his tone surprisingly gentle compared to his reputation.

Elowen blinked in surprise, her heart racing from the unexpected encounter. "Th-thank you," she stammered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Marcus nodded curtly, a hint of something unreadable flickering in his eyes before he turned and strode away, disappearing inside the art studio. Viola, who had witnessed the entire exchange, rushed to Elowen's side, concern etched on her face. "Are you okay? That was Marcus Hernandez, right?"

Elowen nodded slowly, still processing the surreal moment. "Yeah, that was him. I... I didn't expect that at all."

As Elowen sat in her room, unpacking boxes and organizing her belongings for their first day at university, her mind kept drifting back to the encounter with Marcus outside the art studio. She couldn't shake the feeling of his strong arms around her, nor the unexpected gentleness in his voice.

As a business student, Elowen was well aware of Marcus Hernandez's reputation. He was a formidable figure in the business world, known for his shrewd decisions and unparalleled success. His name frequently appeared in newspapers and magazines, accompanied by headlines detailing his latest business ventures and acquisitions.

But what she didn't realize was that the man she had met in the park a few days earlier, was the same Marcus Hernandez. The thought never crossed her mind as she focused on her own goals and aspirations.

As she unpacked her textbooks and notebooks, Elowen couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious billionaire who had momentarily crossed her path. Little did she know, their paths were destined to intertwine in ways she never could have imagined, leading to unexpected twists and turns in both their lives.

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Thank you my VALERIENS🎀


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