Chapter 6

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As Marcus wrapped up his day, his emotional and physical exhaustion weighed heavily upon him. Today marked the anniversary of his mother's passing, a poignant reminder of loss amidst the demands of his professional responsibilities, because he believes that if he lacks in anything then what will his employees learn? Despite the bustling day, the somber significance of the date lingered in his thoughts, casting a shadow over his mood.

As he made his way to the park, a place of solace and memories, he felt a mix of emotions swirling within him. The familiarity of the surroundings, once a cherished retreat with his mother and sister, now served as a poignant backdrop to his grief. Standing on the bridge, beneath the canopy of the night sky, he felt a sense of melancholy enveloping him.

Memories flooded back, each one a bittersweet reminder of happier times spent with his beloved mother. The gentle rustle of leaves, the soft murmur of the flowing stream below, all seemed to echo the presence of his mother's spirit, offering a fleeting sense of comfort amidst the ache of her absence.

Staring up at the vast expanse of stars above, he found himself lost in contemplation, grappling with the weight of his emotions. The cool breeze brushed against his skin, carrying with it a sense of tranquility amidst the turmoil within. Though the pain of loss still lingered, standing on that bridge beneath the night sky, he felt a glimmer of peace wash over him. 

In the gentle embrace of nature, surrounded by the echoes of the past, he found a moment of respite from the demands of the world, allowing himself to simply be, in quiet remembrance of his mother's love.

His thoughts were consumed by memories and emotions, engaging in a silent conversation with the moon, pouring out his heart about his mother. In that vulnerable moment, when he felt the weight of his grief and solitude, the sudden presence of another caught him off guard. As the girl spoke, her voice breaking the silence of the night, he turned to face her, a mixture of surprise and curiosity flickering in his eyes. Her unexpected presence stirred a flurry of emotions within him, momentarily disrupting the somber reverie that had enveloped him.

Her simple words, "Beautiful night, isn't it?" pierced through the heaviness of his thoughts, injecting a spark of lightness into the solemn atmosphere. In her gentle tone, he sensed a warmth and empathy that eased the edges of his sorrow, offering a glimmer of connection amidst the vast expanse of solitude.

Though initially taken aback by her presence, he found himself drawn to her quiet companionship. As he gazed into her eyes, he felt a stirring of gratitude and acceptance, recognizing the unexpected gift of her presence on this solemn night. In her silent solidarity, he found a sense of comfort and understanding, a reminder that even in moments of profound loneliness, he was not truly alone.

With a soft smile, he nodded in agreement, his heart heavy yet strangely uplifted by the simple act of connection. In the quiet exchange between them, he felt a shift in his perspective, a renewed appreciation for the beauty of the night and the fleeting moments of human connection that illuminated the darkness of his grief.

After a while, he received a call from Ben to which he accepted the call. Informing him about the leak of sensitive company information, a surge of frustration and concern coursed through him. He knew the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences for the company's upcoming project. Ready to spring into action, he turned to leave, his mind already racing with plans to address the breach.

However, just as he was about to depart, Elowen's voice cut through the air, halting him in his tracks. Though he didn't turn back or say anything in response, her words resonated within him, stirring a whirlwind of emotions beneath his composed exterior. 

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