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The next morning Jimin woke up to the delicious smell of pancakes and chocolate.

Just like how jungkookie's pancakes smell

He kept rolling on the bed trying to find a comfortable position but soon jolted up when he realised where he was. There was no mistaking that fresh scent which Jungkook used.

He looked around to the door open and a pair of clothes kept on the table near the bed. Jungkook's clothes...

He quickly rushed to the bathroom to freshen up and wore the clothes. He always loved how Jungkook's clothes made him look so small. Oh how much he missed this !

I promise I'll make this right jungkookie.

" You woke up. " He saw Jungkook standing near the doorway with an apron on. " Come for breakfast. " Jimin nodded mutely, following Jungkook out.

" Eat well. " Jungkook said placing a large pancake on his plate. He slid a bowl of berries and chocolate syrup towards him.

Chocolaty and soft. Just like Jimin liked.

" You wanted to talk right ? " Jungkook sat opposite to Jimin , " let's talk then. "

Jimin had rehearsed the talk atleast a million times in his mind but right now nothing came out from his mouth. " I-i " he opened and closed his mouth like a fish in water.

" I- I'm sorry. " He voiced out, " for everything. I'm so sorry Jungkook. I didn't want to break up but I just, " Jimin didn't knew when the tears started falling down. He sniffed, wiping his nose with the cuff of the shirt.  

" I was just a little selfish with our relationship. I - " , " So you finally realised huh. " Jungkook taunted.

Jimin looked down, shame filling his body. He was the worst example of how a boyfriend should be. Jungkook always remembered their dates and always took a break from his schedule just to come and see Jimin during his shoots.

He never did the same for Jungkook. He even threw tantrums when Jungkook forgets to visit him in the studio. Even when Jungkook had fever and cold, he still came to support Jimin. 

" I know I'm selfish and a self centred bitch. I was just so sure that you would never leave me. I knew you loved me but I took it for granted. I'm so sorry jungkookie, please forgive me. " Jimin cried. 

" Give me one last chance. I promise I'll do this right. Just once- ", " I did give you a chance. But you threw it away. You didn't care for me hyung. You never loved me. It was all about you since the beginning. There was no us. " Jungkook answered in a broken voice. 

" You always cared for yourself. You would set the meeting time according to your schedule. You never asked me about my timings. I would have to hurry up the shooting, completing it in one go if I wanted to show up for the date. " He sighed. 

" Even if I completed the shoot on time it would take atleast 1 hour for me to drive to our apartment. All I would wish for is to just cuddle with you after a tiring day but then you would complain that I am late for the date. You never understood me hyung. You never tried ! "

" If I were late you would accuse me of going out with my friends and that I didn't care for you. But it was you who didn't care for me. When you went out with friends I never doubted that you were cheating on me, like you did when I went out with my friends. " 

If Jimin was thinking that he was the worst boyfriend to ever exist, he now knew that he was the worst one to ever exist. Just how much had he hurt Jungkook ? 

" I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Jungkook. Please forgive me. Please. " Jimin who was silently crying , broke down with tears staining his cheeks and falling on the hoodie. " I know I was very rude to you and I'm sure you wouldn't even want to see me here anymore. I promise I'll leave you. Just forgive me please. I swear I'll never come in front of you again. " 

" I didn't want to break up hyung, but you never listened. You just did as you pleased and didn't even think how much it would affect me. I love you hyung. I love you so much but sometimes I just wonder whether you even deserve it or not. " 

" I don't deserve it. " Jimin sniffed. " I don't deserve your love Jungkook, not anymore. I'm so sorry. "

I'm so sorry kookie 

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