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warning : a little forcing and very tiny ( very very very tiny angst )


" I'll be back before the show starts tae, don't worry. "

" Are you sure ? You want me to come with you ? " Taehyung asked worriedly.

Jimin rolled his eyes, " I'm just going to the washroom Taehyung. I'll be fine, no one will kidnap me. " Jimin assured his manager as he walked away from his seat towards the washroom.

The entire hall was silent and the washroom was located at the end of the hall. When he was done, he had just stepped outside the washroom only to run into someone.

" ouch- I'm sorry Mr. Song I didn't see you. " Jimin glanced up and  apologized to the person he had accidentally ran into.

" Ah, it's alright Mr. Park, it's such a pleasure to finally  meet you. You had rejected all of my gifts and date proposals so I thought I would never have a chance to meet you but I guess luck was on my side today. " Song Ji-ho said with a smirk on his face. He reached out for Jimin's hand before bringing it to his face and kiss his knuckles.

" Ah I'm sorry to reject it but I am already in a relationship so I can't accept it. " Jimin said politely, trying to take his hand back from Ji-ho but the later was just tightening his grip on Jimin's hand.

" You were in a relationship Jimin-shii. The previous time we met, I wasn't able to talk to you properly due to your ex boyfriend, but now he isn't here to disturb us. " Ji-ho said pinning Jimin to the nearby wall and towered him, making Jimin look small and vulnerable.

" Mr. Song t-this is inappropriate. Leave me. " Jimin said each word firmly trying to act bold but inside he was shivering in fear. Nobody was to be seen in the hall and the award show must have been started which meant that nobody would come to help him even if he shouted for help.

" I think we should talk in a more private place. How about we move to one of the rooms located at the other side of the building, I guess nobody would disturb us there. " Ji-ho said, his eyes filled with lust and desires. His hands grabbing Jimin's arms and pinning them to his sides.

Jimin tried to push Ji-ho away using the little strength he had but failed to do so. He could feel his breath on his neck, seeing how near he had come Jimin's body shivered in fear and tears left his eyes.

" P-please go a-away, leave m-me. " He tried to mutter with the little amount of energy left inside him. Ji-ho smiled casually before wiping Jimin's tears and caressed his cheeks gently.

" Don't cry okay, it will all be okay soon. " Ji-ho hugged Jimin, patting his back and comforting him.

" W-what are you- " he tried to push him away but Ji-ho just pulled him more closer, running his hands through his back.

Jimin's eyes widened when he saw Jungkook standing a few metres away from them. His body moved on his own and he ran towards Jungkook pushing Ji-ho harshly.

He hugged Jungkook tightly hiding his face in his chest. He could feel the comfort and warmness that was radiated by Jungkook's body.

But soon he was pulled apart by Jungkook who was looking at him with hatred and disgust in his eyes.

" What are you doing ? " He shouted angrily on Jimin as he dusted his suit.

" I-i wa-was " , " Stop acting all innocent infront of me. " He groaned angrily, " Taehyung was worried for you since you didn't come back earlier and here you are already spreading your legs for someone. " He eyed Ji-ho who only smirked in return.

" N-no you m-misunderstood. Believe me Jungkook h-he was- "

" I don't believe you Jimin. You should stop with your lies. I won't fall for them anymore. " He spat angrily.

Jimin looked at the doe-eyes of the younger and frowned when he couldn't find the love Jungkook's eyes once held for him.

Instead all he could find was pure hatred and anger.


I was very sad ಥ_ಥ and writing this was the only way I could feel calm.

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