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" Drink this Jimin. " Taehyung handed him a glass of water and Jimin gulped down the liquid down his throat. He handed the glass back to Taehyung and covered himself more with the long coat his manager had brought him.

" Are you okay ? " Taehyung asked gently taking Jimin's cold palms between his hands and rubbing them warm.

Jimin nodded curtly looking around to see officers talking to the award function management and his lawyer talking to Mr. Lee, his other manager.

As soon as Jungkook had left the hall, within a few minutes he saw Taehyung running towards him with his security team following behind.

From there everything was blur to Jimin. He doesn't even remember when Taehyung had wrapped his arms around him engulfing him into a hug and how he broke down onto the floor crying.

While his security team and his lawyer dealt with Ji-ho and his manager, Taehyung had wrapped Jimin into a long coat to keep him warm and had brought him to the sitting area.

They left the venue when the officers were done talking to Jimin and had come back to his apartment.

" Go and change Minnie, I'll order something to eat for you. " Taehyung said placing Jimin's clothes on the bed and picked up his phone to order a takeout.

" You don't have to... I can take care of myself tae... You should go home tae. " Taehyung sighed placing his phone on the bed and sat infront of Jimin who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

" What's wrong Jimin ? " Taehyung knew his bestfriend better than anyone else. The entire time Jimin kept quiet, even when the officers came to take his statement for further proceedings he only spoke a little. The officers said that they would come again to take a proper statement once he was feeling better.

When Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jimin comforting him, Jimin immediately leaned into his touch. He hugged him back, tightly wrapping his arms around his bestfriend.

" Taetae " He sniffed softly.

" Jungkookie doesn't like me. He hates me. He will never talk to me now. " Jimin cried. " He said that I'm a liar and " , he broke down, his tears falling freely across his face. " And that I was sleeping with Ji-ho, but you know that's not the truth. I was just- just "

" Enough Minnie, that's enough for today. Hmm let's just sleep for now. It was enough drama for the day. Sleep now. " Taehyung said pulling the covers over them.

" IT'S NOT !! ITS NOT TAE !! " Jimin shouted , " I need Jungkook but he doesn't need me, not anymore and it's all my fault taetae. It's all my fault I- I "

" Breathe Jimin, take deep breaths baby. He loves you. Jungkook still loves you. " Taehyung comforted him but Jimin knew he didn't matter to Jungkook, not anymore.

Taehyung sat on the bed comforting his bestfriend who was emotionally overwhelmed. He gently patted Jimin's back comforting him and tugged him to sleep. A few minutes later when Taehyung felt that Jimin was asleep he got out of the bed and messaged Jimin's other manager about his condition.

Ding !

Message from JK

Is he okay ?



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