Flames of Love

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Author's POV:

It was one of the chilled evenings of London and the burning flames ignited in the mantle spread the warmth in its surroundings. Diya, Karthik and Ashu went for a little shopping as the night gala was nearing leaving Vihaan and Atharva alone in the big mansion. The maids left for their quarters on Vihaan's request while they were happy accepting their early off.

Vihaan sat with a warm shawl around his shoulders, seeking warmth from the bone-chilling weather. The mobile in his pocket pinged making him throw a gaze at it. His gazes softened seeing it from Chloe. Even after deciding not to apologise anymore, his heart was not ready to accept. After all, she was the person who saved him once. Gratitude doesn't die.

Send me the files associated with Mr. Smith's project. We are nearing the deadline. I need to crosscheck.

The message was crisp and clear indicating her professional tone.


Vihaan contemplated whether to send it, but ultimately hit the send button pushing the mobile back into his pocket. He marched towards the study room and opened it to fetch his laptop but his gaze softened seeing Atharva working something in the laptop.

" Ved," Vihaan was immediately cut off by him. " Atharva, it's Atharva,"

Vihaan sighed and nodded. He still can't understand what's wrong with this kid that he chides when people address him as Ved or Vedant. He rolled his eyes and grabbed his laptop. He placed his mobile on the table, sat opposite Athrava and typed something over the emails furiously. It looked like the men were in a race to finish a project.

Vihaan finally sent Chole the file and closed the laptop leaving the room. His body settled in front of the mantle and the warmth enveloped him. He thought about the night in the club and smiled a sad one. He didn't want to agree, but at some point, their carefree attitude made him jealous. At that age, he was juggling with life, finding all the possible ways to earn and make both ends meet.

People thought, being from the Royal background, he was bestowed with everything and he just used to slide it off. He knows what it was to be called a son of a traitor, where all their assets were snatched leaving with just unknown shares which he was still discovering. He gulped and nodded his head as it was past and he was over it long back. He is living a decent life now, able to buy whatever he likes, eating the food of his choice and having a cosy house to live in.

" Would you like to live with me in my small house?" He asked the unknown person looking into the deep red flames in the mantle. He chuckled. Who would live in that ordinary 2 BHK? No sane woman will do.

While on the other hand, Kanvi is having a small bash at her friend's place. They were having a girls' night while she'd be going to the University from there. Yayin was alone there in the big mansion.

Yayin's mobile rang and he groaned in irritation. It's from his father. He suddenly remembered that he needed to go somewhere and Kanvi was not there. He was supposed to be going there with his sister.

" What have you done Yayin? How can you forget that you are supposed to take Kanvi along? Arhhhh..." He mumbled holding his hair.

" Hey Dad," He tried to sound cool.

" Hey son, you remember right that you and Kanvi are supposed to meet the Oberais. Take care of your sister in front of them. Make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. And be polite. They are here in London already." Suvam said and Yayin hummed. He doesn't know what his father will do if he gets to know that Kanvi is not home.

Yayin was regretting permitting her to the girls' night without knowing the plans. He ended the call and dialed his sister only to get into the voice mail. He groaned at her and got ready.

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