Puddles of Joy

69 14 2

Vihaan's POV:

I don't know that she slept next to me last night. Though it caught me furious for a minute, the blood stain that formed on her shorts let it slide. I never understand what a woman goes through during her period. And I'm not a sadist to let a woman sleep on the couch during their tender period. I know how uncomfortable it is to sleep on the couches, after all, I never forget where I came from. 

I walked to the closet and picked the best outfit possible. It's a simple white shirt and sandy pants. I went to the bathroom and the mixture of Ambergris and Coconut scent greeted me. I could still smell her faint coconut scent moisturizer on me and it's irritating as alluring as it sounds. 

I got into the bathtub for a warm bath. I sank into the hot water and leaned back as the Epsom salts took time to cleanse my body and nails. If not for Anvi, I wouldn't have known all these. As the soft Sufi music played behind me, I was so lost in its trance that I never realized when the water had turned lukewarm. 

I shampooed my hair, followed by the conditioner and sighed feeling the increase in the length of my hair. Do I need a haircut? Yes. But I have no time for this. Better get one when I take Anvi over her makeover. That girl needs a serious makeover. Her hair has split and she never cared to get them trimmed. I promise Anvi, I'll make sure you have shorter hair. You need to get over Aadh. 

I rinsed them off and got into the robe. I walked out to see Kanvi smiling looking at something over her mobile. Has she finally gone crazy? Dumb idiot.

As if she felt my presence, she turned to me and her smile turned into a beam. " Good morning Vihaan." She stretched her body. I nodded roughly and made my way into the closet. I dried my hair and got into the clothes I took out, not before thoroughly moisturizing my skin. I sprayed my perfume and came out only to find her sulking at the bathrobes.

 I sprayed my perfume and came out only to find her sulking at the bathrobes

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" Vihaan, which one is good?" She asked. Wait! Fuck! She is just in her shorts and her brassiere. A red one.

" Where is your top?" I asked curtly and she pointed towards the laundry bin. No doubt she got immune to my nature. 

" There was a stain on your shorts," I said and she nodded as if she already knew that. 

" I asked something Vihaan." She asked again lifting the robes to my eye level.  I randomly took one and it turned out to be a black one with the Arka logo on it with the golden thread. 

" Can you bend?" She asked scratching her head. Does she need my help or something? I bent a little and she placed her little lips on my cheek taking me by surprise. What the heck is this? I roughly pushed her away and glared at her. 

My blood boiled seeing her grin at me. 

" What do you think of yourself? Huh? That I'd be nice to you if you do all this shit? Just remember one thing Kanvi, doing all these would make you stoop lower in my eyes and nothing else." I spatted and her lips thinned. The charm in her eyes was lost replaced by hurt. And this is what I want. She slowly nodded and I looked at her waist to see if the chain was still intact but the shorts were high. 

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