Engagement- Written by Blood

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Kanvi's POV:

I'm scared to even look into Vihaan's eyes. His eyes are no more those pretty light brown eyes, those had turned into the darkest shade of brown and every time I look at them, they turn into my nightmare.

It's been a month since that incident, and I still can't get over it. He agreed to marry me! And I didn't have a proper sleep from that day. I was a stupid bitch to lie to everyone and in fact, neither am I aware of why I lied. I felt to take him in my arms and console him when he cried and screamed that he did nothing to me. Maybe I've taken everyone for granted and played my game oblivious to the situation. But one thing I'm sure of is that Vihaan Aurora is not going to leave me that easy and I'm ready to bear any punishment to be with him.

I love you Vihaan...

My heart is thudding as the preparations for our engagement was going great and it is my engagement today. It is kept short with just my family, Vihaan's and the Oberais.

I was called down and I looked at my sweaty hands. I'm scared and want to run from here. I'm sure Vihaan would find me even if I hid in the core of the earth. I gulped and saw my mom who came to take me down. I stood up and my expensive bloomed around me occupying the space beautifully. I walked down the stairs and everyone looked at me making me go all red.

 I walked down the stairs and everyone looked at me making me go all red

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My breath hitched looking at Vihaan. He wore the same coloured suit as mine and looked at me with his dark eyes. The outline of his lashes made his eyes look more magnificent. My insides shook and I felt like running away from here feeling his dark aura. He passed me a smirk and walked forward towards me.

 He passed me a smirk and walked forward towards me

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What's he going to do?

He is going to kill you Kanvi beta.

No, he would not commit such a stunt in front of everyone.


My inner turmoil came to an end and I gulped looking between him and his hand. He held my hand and walked me to the places where we were supposed to stand. Yayin Bhai came forward and did Tilak to Vihaan and I can see the cold glares passing between them.

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