The Devil's Shelter

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Kanvi's POV: 

The car stopped at the airport and we got down. Everyone is here from the family right from Vihaan's Uncle, Aunt, cousins, mom, my parents and my brothers. Though Yayin Bhai is coming along with us. 

" Take care of her Vihaan, please," Papa whispered joining his hands and I blinked back my tears. Why should he beg him? 

" I already promised sir. Not a tear from her eye." He repeated his words monotonously. 

" Vihaan, behave with her!" His Mom whispered and he nodded. His gaze fell on me he pulled me holding me by my waist. 

" Don't I behave when I'm around you Ma Cherie?" He husked looking at his mom. I opened and closed my mouth and his grip on my waist tightened. I breathed a gasp and looked at him where he pecked my cheek asking me the same question again. My cheeks flushed and I nodded nervously. 

I looked at Yayin Bhai and he was darting all his glares towards Yayin Bhai. 

" It's time." Vidarth Bhai said looking at his watch and I sighed. Papa and Mumma hugged me and kissed my forehead while Vidarth Bhai refused to leave me from his grip. He loves me so much to see me with Vihaan. 

We pushed our luggage and checked in while our bags were gone for scanning. Initially, his Uncle planned to send us on the Private jet but I felt it was not ideal to travel in a jet until there were at least 10 people. 

The three seats were in a row but Yayin Bhai's seat was on another set. I see him reluctantly taking his seat while Vihaan chooses the window seat. I looked at Bhai he looked pissed.

" Kanu, you can sit here." He offered and even before I could answer, Vihaan interrupted. " I want my wife beside me when I sleep. It has become a habit to sleep with her how." He spoke and I got the double meaning in his statement. I clenched my fist and took a deep breath as hurt laced in me. I know he is not at fault but why is he doing it? Repeatedly! 

" Fuckard!" Bhai mumbled and I looked at him pleading him not to create any mess. By then, the plane had taken off and I sighed in relief. Bhai opened his laptop and was working on something while I looked at Vihaan who was doing the same. But my laptop is not here. 

" Can I borrow your laptop Vihaan?" I asked slowly and he passed me an uninterested look resuming his work. An hour passed and both these men were so into their work. The staff came with some refreshments and I thanked them. Vihaan smiled at them and mumbled a thank you. 

Can't he be nice to me like he is with her? 

I looked at Bhai and he politely declined her. I sipped the water from my water bottle and sighed. 2 more hours passed and I put on the headphones watching a movie on the screen. I didn't realise when I fell asleep until I felt the sudden urge to pee. 

I did my work and looked at Bhai and Vihaan. Both were sleeping. I adjusted their cradle seats and pulled the comforters over them. I requested for cabin crew for some salad as my stomach grumbled. They were so sweet and obliged to my request.

I finished it slowly while I carefully took Yayin Bhai's laptop. I saw him entering the password a few hours back. It's YayAra2804. I smiled looking at the password. The screen was bright and I went into surfing the downloads. 

He often says that it's boring to travel long flights, so he downloads a few movies. I went through his downloads and I choked on my water. I closed the sipped and covered my mouth so as not to disturb both of them. 

Hentai? The fuck!

What all did you hide from me Yayin Bhai? The last time I checked his mobile, I got to see some steamy pics of him and his girlfriend. And they pulled a lot of stunts to showcase it as an arranged marriage and now this? 

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