Chapter 9

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Tim was sitting at the table with Lucy, resting his hand on Lucy's thigh to reassure her that he is here with her, she is still wary because of loud noises. For Lucy, being with Tim was comforting and she knew that she was safe with him. The waiter came around and got their order, but Lucy didn't order her drink as Chris spiked her drink a few times before, and the waiter left with their order..

Tim (softly): "Baby you want a drink?" Lucy nods her head but tugs at Tim's shirt, he moves forwards and closer to her.

Lucy (quietly): "I don't trust that my drink won't get spiked." Tim's heart broke seeing truely how deeply this situation has hurt her.

Tim: "Of course, I understand. How about we go get you a drink together?" Lucy nods, and they excuse theirselves from the table. Tim immediately took Lucy's hand and guided her over to the bar to get a drink. She only ordered a soda as she didn't want to drink and Tim did the same because he was the one that was driving them home from the cutting. While waiting, Tim comforted Lucy and they were discussing about different foods they want to and don't want to try. Their drinks were ready and they made their way back to the table wit the others, Lucy sat back on Tim's lap. 

Aaron: "So, the girls were amazing out there. It was a good game to watch."

John: "I'm very proud of you Bailey, that was incredible. How didn't we know that this was going on?"

Wade: "Because, I got you guys focused on training for the games that Luna and the girls were literally practicing on the other side of the court. A few times, they threw a ball back and you guys didn't take notice, because you get in the zone." All the guys showed the girls how proud they were of today. Tim nuzzled his face into Lucy's neck while holding her close to him.

Tim: "All you girls were incredible. Baby, I enjoyed watching you play, but my heart stopped when I saw you trip. Now I see how you feel when I'm on the court and get injured or hurt. I'm so glad that you are okay and that you didn't get seriously injured." He kissed her neck.

Lucy: "Even if I got injured, I know you would take amazing care of me and would help me out." The food arrived, everyone was eating their food, and of course Lucy was pinching food off of Tim's plate. He was annoyed with her, as long as she was eating something it didn't matter. The team discussed the game against the Suns, even though it was a tough game the guys played so well.

The Lakers had an upcoming bye, so the team was planning on using their time to train more and work on different aspects of the game. After a wonderful evening out, the team all went home and straight to bed as everyone was tired.

In the morning, everyone woke up in their homes. Angela, Nyla and Bailey all got ready for work then headed to work. Tim and Lucy were cuddling together. Tim was thinking about something he wanted to know.

Tim: "Do you love me?" Lucy was taken back by the question.

Lucy: "What?"

Tim (shyly): "Do you love me? All my ex's have only been with me for the money and didn't care about me." Lucy immediately cups his cheeks.

Lucy: "Babe, I do love you to the moon and back times infinity. I don't care how much many you have, I have my own money too, all I care about is you." She placed a kiss on his cheek.

Tim: "Yeah?"

Lucy: "Of course Tim, you're my everything and have become my rock in my life." Lucy kissed him and then hugged him tightly.

Lucy: "Babe, we have a lot to learn. We are both broken in our own ways, but us against the world is way stronger."

Tim: "You're right. I'm so lucky I get to call you mine. Could we have some fun?" With that being said, Lucy and Tim engaged in some morning fun. When they got out of bed, they both worked together to make breakfast for themselves. Tim held Lucy's hand while eating.

Tim: "If you had to, would you do one interview regarding everything?"

Lucy: "I don't know. I would probably do one just to put everything to bed. Tamara said that she is still receiving offers for parts in movies and shows."

Tim: "You don't miss acting?"

Lucy: "A little part of me does, but my life is so much better now. I have the best boyfriend who is respectful and is there for me, supporting my every decision. Besides, acting is demanding which would mean that we would be apart for long periods of time and I prefer what we have now."

Tim: "I just don't want to be holding you back."

Lucy: "You're not, okay? Actually quite the opposite of that. I have a new found confidence that I only found with you. So you are helping me out in the best way. And I wouldn't change anything I have done since leaving the industry, because it has been the best thing I have ever done. So, please babe don't blame yourself, you being with me has had a positive affect." She pulls him in for a deep kiss, they went to the couch and cuddled together.

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