Part 2

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I peel my sweat soaked body from my bed, eyes still heavy from the lack of sleep. Every time I closed my eyes he was there, behind me. I hop in the shower and let the steaming water run down my body, was it even my body anymore. A chill ran through my spine despite the steam rolling from my red skin. Getting out I wrap a towel around me and begin preparing for school. I fix my natural tightly curled brown hair and apply my mascara around my brown eyes. It was simple, I usually would do more but I don't feel like being more. Instead of the cute outfit I have sitting on my dresser I opt for flared yoga pants and an old sweatshirt. It wasn't necessarily cold out but I did need something that would cover my arms enough to hide my slow fading bruises. I check myself once over in the mirror, making sure to not linger much, I hated myself. I walk downstairs and grab a pop tart from the pantry and a water. "Well don't you look...cozy." mom was sitting at the table enjoying a cup of coffee. I hope it burns her, burns all the way into her core. "Just not feeling it today." I shrug my shoulders and tell her bye. Though I left a little early, I just didn't want to be cooped up in that kitchen with her burning eyes on me. The schools almost in sight when I hear tires pull up beside me. "Honey let me drop you off before dropping Jackson off." Mom has the car rolling next to me as I walk. I would never get into a car with her ever again. " I like the fresh air but thanks." With that I turn from the sidewalk and cut through the grass, away from where she can reach me. I hear her mumble under her breath and she drives away. Oh what, is she frustrated. She doesn't get to be mad at me and quite frankly she can be and I don't give a damn. The courtyard this early is quiet, I take a seat on a lonesome picnic table and pull out my phone, I start scrolling through picture after picture of my dad. A shrill comes from behind me and then fast movement. I whip my head around to find a long blonde hair girl bopping from one foot to the other. She shoots her hand out, "Hi, I'm Katy. I'm so excited that you are joining our school." Taking her hand I do a once over. Cheer uniform snuggly shaped to her body, huge smile, and light blue eyes. "I'm Tess." I manage a smile but I know it's a small one. She squeaks and tugs me from my seat and wraps her arms around me. "You're here just in time for cheer practice, I'm glad that you made it!" She starts pulling me into school. In no way was it my plan to join cheer here, sure I had cheered at my old school but now I didn't want to plaster my body in front of the whole school and town. She could sense my hesitation, "Oh c'mon, I know you cheered at your old school. Mr. Reeves, the principal, told me and I know this is just what you need, you need to find where you fit." Wasn't it like against the rules to share my personal information, I roll my eyes and shoot a text to Stacey.

I met this girl and she's forcing me to the cheer practice. T

Why don't you give it a chance, maybe this is what you need... S

I click my phone off, maybe she was right, cheer could be a good distraction from everything else in my life. We burst into the gymnasium, Katys arm slipped through mine. Several eyes fall onto me, "Everyone this is Tess, Tess meet everyone." Katy was smiling ear to ear as she nudged me forward. To my surprise they all beeline towards me, each of them blurting their names followed by welcoming's. Ok, maybe I could do this.


Cheer practice was a hit, my body felt alive and this was the best I had felt since I got here. I open my locker that Katy and her best friend, Chloe, escorted me too. "Let's see your schedule says that you have English first, that's gonna be the second door to the left." Chloe points down a crowded hallway. They both offer to escort me, but I decline, they had their own classes to get to. I walk into the classroom and look for a chair. One thing that sucked about moving to a new town was that everyone already had their people, I had my people, but they were thousands of miles away. I clock an open seat in the right back corner of the classroom. It was perfect, right next to a window and I didn't have to worry about the teacher spitting on me while they talked. I sit and begin bringing my stuff out when I hear the person in front of me swivel around in their chair. Looking up my eyes meet familiar eyes, Liam. "Well look who's here." The smile grows on his face. I roll my eyes and using my index and middle finger, push his chin directing his gaze elsewhere. "Not interested in the chit chat, that'll change." He's says as he taps his thumb on my desk, and I swat at it. This perfect seat might have been a mistake. The teacher enters and Laim shifts his attention back to the front of the room.

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