Part 11

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As we walk into the football stadium, my friends walk in a circle around me. Liam leading the front of our group next to Nick, Chloe and Katy on my sides with Stacey following close behind. Grant approaches our group, "Can I talk to Tess please."  he asks as he peers behind Liam. No one moves, "Yea that's not going to happen, now we need to go. "Chloe says as she hooks her arm around mine and directs us towards the fields. "Tess can you please just go home." Grant hollers. I continue walking, pretending I didn't hear what he said. I didn't want to talk to him right now, maybe never again. I managed to put myself back together before making an appearance here, but my coach still gives me a second look while asking if I'm ok. I assure her that I am ready for the game with a large smile plastered to my face and a bubbly 'of course'. We line up in our normal formation, ready to rial up the crowd when the team makes their entrance. As they enter the field, I cast my eyes down but continue cheering because I have already noted that coach is watching me particularly closely. 


It's second quarter and the game has been rough, sly remarks and cheap shots have overtaken the field. A player from the opposing team hits Grant hard making the crowd gasp and a couple of people stand and shout at the refs. He deserved that hit; but it makes me wince at the thought of him being hurt. The quarter ends, starting half time on a tie which leads to the homecoming activities. Our principal makes his way to the center of the field with a microphone and begins, "Good evening, I am principal Reeves. We are going to start off our night by crowing our homecoming king and queen. Doing the honors of this is our very own alumni who stepped up last minute, star quarterback from the good ol' days, Steven Wilkes."  Bile rises to the back of my throat and Katy and Chloe each grab one of my hands. A tall well-dressed man struts to the middle of the field, the crowd goes insane. His booming voice comes over the speakers which causes my skin to crawl, "Thank you principal Reeves for letting me have the honors of crowning this year's homecoming king and queen. Let's get this started." He opens an envelope, tugging the paper from inside, and reads, "Grant Wilkes."  Grant jogs to the center, joining his father. My heartrate quickens. He reveals the next name and it's mine. He reads my name slowly, stuttering at the end, realizing who I was. The girls don't let go of me, I lift my chin and let go of them, making my way to the center of the field where my nightmare awaits. I don't allow my steps to waiver, the entire time I keep my eyes locked with Grant's. I wouldn't let either one of them intimidate me, I could ruin his dad's life with one simple sentence. I had the power, they didn't. I stop directly in front of them, turn to the stands and smile. His dad places the crown on Grant's head first then he turns to me. He sets the crown on my head and rests a hand on my shoulder, his other hand on Grant's shoulder which causes Grant to flinch. I don't let my smile fall even though the smell of him makes my stomach flip; I wouldn't let him win. He dips his head down between the two of us and whispers, "I didn't realize that the two of you were friends." I don't respond, I take the flowers handed to me from a small girl in a gorgeous dress and walk back to my friends, Grant calling my name as I go. "Are you ok?" Katy asks as they both pull me into a hug. "No, but I don't want them to know that." I reply. The game starts again and the break didn't help cool any of the boys down. This time Nick is hit hard but instead of jumping back up like Grant did, he stays down. Grant, Liam, and the coaches run out to him on the field. Next thing we knew a gurney was being wheeled out onto the field. With that Katy takes off onto the field, dodging a couple of players who try to catch her. She walks the entire way next to Nick, holding his arm, then climbs into the back of the ambulance with Dr. Everett. Despite the fact that Nick was gone the game picks up right where it left off, the other team showing no mercy. 


The game ends with a big loss, Nick was out the rest of the game, Grant's throws were largely off, and Liam was letting the opposing players slip through reaching Grant. Chloe and I wait in our normal spot for Liam. My phone pings, Katy.

Nick is ok, they are taking him back for x-rays. I'll keep you updated. K

Ok, thank you! I hope all comes back well. T

I show Chloe what Katy had said about Nick's condition and out of the corner of my eye I notice shuffling around. Grant's dad shoves Grant into the side of a black SUV, "I told you to stay away from that little bitch didn't I, is that why you played like shit tonight?" he seethes. Grant doesn't say anything or do anything, even when his dad rears back his fist and connects it with his cheek. My blood boils and my heart is beating so fast that all I hear is the thumping in my ears as I walk to them. "Tess what are you doing!" Chloe calls after me. I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't have a plan for when I reached them and looked his dad face to face. I hated Grant right now but that didn't change the fact that he was a victim of his dad's just as much as I was. My feet scrape the gravel behind his dad which causes him to turn to me, by the time he's turned I have him shoved against the same SUV he had Grant against. "Don't touch him." I scream. Grant's dad doesn't hesitate for a second before grabbing both of my wrists and flinging me to the ground. I look up and Grant is frozen staring down at me, just because I was ready to fight against my monsters didn't mean he was. Mr. Wilkes grabs me by the hair and drags me back up which causes Chloe to begin screaming. I can feel blood trickle down from my nose and my vison is blurry from my head hitting the ground but that doesn't stop me from noticing people walking past us as if nothing is happening. That's how much power this sick man has, he could beat his son and a girl in the parking lot and people just dipped their heads down and sped up their steps. "How about we take a little drive Tess." His dad spits as he pulls me towards his car as I struggle to release his hold on me, but my movement is stopped as Grant snatches me from his dad, "Don't touch her." He speaks but it's barely a whisper. "I'm sorry son, what was that?" His dad asks, you can tell by his voice he loved the fact that Grant was to scared to meet his eye when speaking. "I said, don't touch her." This time Grant does meet his father's eyes and pulls me back, creating more distance between me and his dad. "Well, isn't this cute. You fall for your dad's sloppy seconds." I flinch at his father's words, "The fact of it Grant is you are just as bad as me. You saw her and did nothing. You are just like me, now get in the car." By this time Liam is approaching next to Chloe, Grant pushes me to Liam and walks to his dad's car. "Good choice. Tess, till we meet again." His dad says as he swings open the driver side door. "Grant, don't get in that car." I plead. "I told you not to come tonight, Tess." Without another word he opens the door and gets in the car. The car pulls away from us, "We have to go get him, right now." I say as I run to Liam's car. "Tess, slow down. We are not following them. Steven just slammed you into the ground." Chloe is fumbling though her words. "We could call the police; they might do something." Liam pipes in. I look to Chloe; we both knew what that meant. I would have to tell them everything and that was something I wasn't sure I was ready for. "No, did you see how many people just walk by like nothing was happening, lets just go." I reply. We all knew that Grant's dad had this entire town wrapped around his finger. It's a silent drive to Liams house, when they get out of the car I don't move. I let them know that I will be in soon. I pull out my phone and dial Grant, he sends me to voicemail. So I pull up our messages. 

Answer your phone. T

I need him to answer me so that I know he's ok. I get out of the car, grabbing my change of clothes and head into the house making a beeline for the bathroom. I have dried blood above my upper lip and on the front of my uniform. I change into the outfit Chloe let me borrow and head to the kitchen, checking my phone for an answer. Radio Silence. I grab a shot and let it burn down my throat, maybe I just needed to forget Grant. I was worried about him but that didn't take away from the seeping rage I felt towards him. I grab another shot and this one goes down a little more smoothly, I toss my phone on the counter and move to the game of beer pong. I needed to push Grant to the farthest part of my mind. 

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