Part 7

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I wake up with nerves bustling through my body, Grant was picking me up this morning. This would be the first time that we would hangout just the two of us. I open my closet and sift through my different choices of outfits. I decide on a pair of jeans and a pink off the shoulders top. I walk into the bathroom and bring my face close to the mirror, it has taken practice, but I've gotten better at applying mascara with my left hand. I'm just now getting the hang of it and my cast coming off soon. My phone pings, Chloe. 

Hey girl, have fun today :) C

I'll try ;) catch up with you later? T

Of course! I'm going to need all the details. C

I shake my head to the end of the last message, all the details. Who's to say there would be any details, so far, I haven't heard from him. Maybe he was changing his mind, my heart sinks a little with that thought. I flop down on my bed letting out an exasperated breath. My phone pings, Grant. I fling my body up opening the message. 

Be there in 5. G

sounds good :) T

I grab my purse from the hook and make my way down the stairs. I immediately regret my decision of waiting for him in the living room. Mom is planted on the sofa, hair matted in a mess, she hasn't showered. This was a sign she was coming off of a high. Her cold eyes stare me down, making me feel self-conscious. I shift my weight from side to side while she moves from the couch and saunters her way towards me. "Where do you think you're off to?" she flicks her cigarette letting the ash fall onto the floor. She sucks on the end of her cigarette causing the other end to glow red, I swallow the lump forming in my throat, "I...I have a friend picking me up." I mutter. She grabs my face, pulling my lower jaw towards her. Her nails dig into my cheek causing tears to form in the corners of my eyes, don't cry Tess. "Be home by eight." she says as she lets me go. I don't respond. My phone pings, Grant. 

Here. G

I don't stick around for any more of this conversation, wiping my face I open the door. Grant is out of his car leaned up against the passenger side. I walk down the steps, matching his smile. He opens the door and puts his hand out, I take it with my good hand and he helps hoist me into the jeep. He closes the door and walks around to the driver side door. He gets in and starts backing out from the drive. I glance back at my house, my mom standing with the door open watching me leave. My phone pings, it's her.

Grant huh...

I stare at the message, sweat forming on my palms. How does she know him? Take a deep breath, everyone knows who Grant is in this town. "you ok?" Grant questions as he rests his hand on my knee. All else is forgotten with that simple touch, he felt comfortable. I put my hand over his and squeeze, "I'm great." He pulls into a gas station, we go in and each pick out snacks for the trip. The drive isn't horribly long but I'm inpatient and can't wait to see where he's taking me. He pulls into the parking lot of a marina. He hops out and grabs a cooler from the back seat then meets me on my side of the jeep just as I'm hopping down, holding my arm to help steady me. Instead of letting go of my hand like he usually does he keeps it in his as we walk down past the boat slips. He stops at a sailboat and sets the cooler down onto it.  I bounce on the balls of my feet with excitement, I had never been on a sailboat. The biggest boat I had ever been on was dad's old john boat we used for fishing. "It was a gift from my mom, she thought that giving me this would cover for the fact that she left me with my dad." Grant explains. A grayed, hunched man walks past the slip, tipping his hat, "Afternoon Mr. Wilkes, haven't seen you out in a while." Grant smiles at the man, "Just have lots on my plate right now with school and football." The man brings his gaze towards me, "I see that you decided to finally bring a lady friend out with ya." A blush spreads across my cheeks, he tips his hat again and turns on his heels. Grant helps me onto the boat, and he starts taking off the lines. Before he takes the last one off, he jumps back onto the dock. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna run into the store." Just as he disappears behind the store's door Mason comes into view, a tall redhead hanging on his side. "They always get what they want." he says as a smirk takes over his stupid face. "I'm sorry?" I question. "The Wilkes family, they always get what they want. Clearly Grant wanted you." He moves away from the boat slip. "In fact, I thought I recall you stating that you weren't Grant's, yet here you are." My eyes narrow to a slit, Grant approaches, "Mason, are we going to have a problem again? I'd hate for Tess to have two broken hands." I keep my arms crossed; glare unwavering from Mason. He pulls the redhead closer and turns to walk away.  Grant turns to me and holds up two bottled cokes, "I almost forgot these." he says smiling. 


We drift around on the lake, the breeze whips through my hair. I keep trying to let go of what Mason said about Grant and his family. Who were the Wilkes? Grant casts a line into the water, the bobber plops in, and moves with the ripples of the lake. We are sitting on the edge of the boat, Grants arm wrapped around me. "Can I ask something?" I blurt. He tells me to go ahead but for some reason, what I want to ask makes me nervous. "What does your dad do?" I ask. Grants body stiffens and he pulls me tighter, I hit a nerve. "I figured you already knew this, but he's the town mayor." He replies, eyes unwavering from the bobber in the water. That makes sense, the big name, the power, that would come with being a mayor. The awkwardness that comes after his answer bothers me. I stand up, take a step back, "dare you to jump!" I shout as I leap off the side of the boat. The water is warmer than I expected, the increasing temperatures having that effect. I resurface to find Grant stood up on the side of the boat, bait caster in hand, jaw dropped. "You just gonna stand there or are you getting in?" I laugh as I splash water at him. Without another second of hesitation Grant jumps into the water, leaving me in a splash zone. Once he breaks the water's surface he swims to me, "what about your cast?" he asks. I hold my hand up out of the water and twist it a couple of directions to put it on show, "waterproof." I feel a slight tap to my lower leg which causes me to let out a scream and I push myself into Grant. "That was just me" he says laughing, "you scared of the fish?" I push his shoulder and make a pouty face, "maybe just a little" I reply. In reality I was scared of alligators which aren't native to this area, but you try telling my stubborn brain that. Grant tugs us back to the boat where he lifts himself out of the water. "Help a gal out." I smile as I showcase my hand again, he reaches down, slipping his arms underneath mine and pulls me out effortlessly.  "We better head back, the rest of the group is meeting at my family's lake house." Grant says as he starts the engine back up, eyeing the gray turned sky. Excitement rushed through me, I didn't know the girls planned on coming here as well. "Are we staying the night here tonight?" I ask, we had school the next day, but I wouldn't be against a senior skip day. "I can take you back tonight if you'd like, the rest of the group is skipping tomorrow." He responds. "I'll stay." I say as I think back to my mom's words, that I had to be home at eight. I was done listening to her rules, she wasn't able to properly take care of herself let alone her kids. I could text her and let her know of my plans so she can't claim she was worrying about where I was all night long, but I won't. Rain drops hit my skin bringing goosebumps, Grant pulls the boat back into the slip and starts tying the lines. The rain picks up and if I wasn't already soaked from my plunge into the water, these large drops would have done the trick. Grant jumps onto the dock and reaches his hand out for mine, I jump letting my feet land on the wooden dock. We both stop, standing chest to chest. Rain drops fall onto my face and roll down onto my neck. My breathing hitches as he brings his thumb to my chin and leans in. This was it, he was finally going to kiss me. His lips brush against mine. He pulls back and looks at me, I stand still with a stupid smile on my face. He tugs my arm, and we take off running to the car trying to escape the freezing droplets. Taking me to the passenger side first, Grant helps me in then runs to his side. He reaches into his back seat and hands me his sweatshirt, I slip it on without a pause. My phone pings, Katy and Chloe in our group chat.

Where you at girl, we want those details. K

Just got to the car, be there soon :) T

Good! I'm pretty sure that Chloe is going to kill Liam. K

Not my fault he's been stupid since we left town... C

You can enlighten me when I get there. T

We pull up to the lake house and Katy runs out to the car despite the rain and swings open the door. "Come quick, the tiff just got good." Katy drags me out of the car. We make our way inside to find Chloe throwing pillows and couch cushions at Liam. "What's going on?" I ask. Liam is running around the living room while Chloe follows close on his tail. "Liam gave Allison the lake house address." Nick says as he dodges a pillow. Liam suddenly stops, "Listen, it's not my fault she batted her eyelashes." With Liams halt, Chloe leaps towards him knocking him onto the ground, landing on top of him, her black hair falling down creating a curtain around their faces. "If your jealous Chloe, just say so." Liams says as he pulls back her hair and slides his tongue across her cheek. The door swings open, blonde hair flashes, "What's going on here?" Allison seethes. This outing was officially taking a turn for the worse.   

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