Part 10

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My friends were right, things had gotten better, I settled into the role of being the star quarterback's girlfriend and people I guess had accepted it at this point. People didn't stare as much, and the whispering had died down the past few weeks, though I now had an uptake of girls wanting to be friends with me. I make my way to our usual lunch table but as I approach, I can barely make out what Katy is saying. Something about Nick's dad telling him something but she didn't know if it was true. As soon as Katy's eyes land on me she changes the subject. "What does Nick's dad know." I ask and they both lock eyes. Chloe speaks first as I set my tray onto the table, "He caught Katy and Nick together". Katy just nods along, I guess friends do keep things from each other, although that makes me the biggest secret keeper out of all of us. I don't push because they obviously don't want me to know and I respect that they don't want to share, I sure as hell don't want to share my deepest secrets. "You girls ready for tonight's big party?" I ask as I take a bite of my pizza. It was the homecoming game and dance tonight, but we were skipping the dance to go to Liam's for the party. Stacey walks by with Allison causing me to choke on my food. I could never get used to that friendship, but Stacey says I needed to open up and see that Allison was really a fun person. I would never be friends with Allison especially after our truth or dare game. "Yes! And tonight's game is going to be huge. It's our biggest rival tonight." Katy bounces up and down in her seat. We were playing an all-boys private school who seemed to clash with our boys. "Listen, we may be obligated to hate them, for the boy's sakes, but I can't help but think those private school boys are fine." Chloe says as she smirks which causes Katy and I to roll our eyes. I was only interested in one boy, and he was walking to our table now. "Where's your t-shirt at?" Grant asks as he takes note of my shirt not having his name and number on it. Katy was already wearing her shirt decorated with Nick's last name and number but Chloe, who was wearing Liams number, and I opted to put ours in our lockers till the pep rally. We both weren't into the idea of flashing their numbers all day, especially Chloe who Liam basically had to beg on his knees to represent his number tonight. "I'm getting it out of my locker right after lunch." I tell him as he slips his arm around my waist and kisses the top of my head. "Good, are you going to ride over to Liam's with me tonight or the girls?" Grant questions. This was a hard pick; Katy would be with Nick, and I didn't want to leave Chloe on her own, but I really wanted the alone time with Grant before we were stuffed in a house with what felt like the entire school. "She's riding with you; I'll be fine Tess." Chloe answers for me. "Ok, cool. I gotta go babe but I'll see you at the diner." Grant plants a kiss on my cheek and walks over to the football boys hollering for his attention. Chloe and I walk to our lockers and take out our shirts. We both scan them before changing into them, this was another call for attention I didn't want. Wilkes was printed across my back with the number five underneath it, Chloe comes out from the stall, nose scrunched. "Liam really owes me for this one." She says as she turns her back to the mirror and cranes her neck to view Liam's last name, Phillips, and his number plastered on her back. Katy meets us in the bathroom with her makeup bag so that we can touch up. My hair is half up, with a large red bow keeping my curly locks pulled back and my lips are coated with a deep red lipstick. When we decide we are ready we grab our pom poms and head to the gym. It felt so good to be able to cheer again, though I wasn't allowed to participate in the tumbling portions. 


The pep rally went flawlessly as usual with us girls sticking our routines and the boys managing to create a mosh pit environment. The diner was insanely busy, our booth was still open, so we quickly moved to snag it while the boys went to put in our orders. "Hey, let's take the shakes to go and get our outfits planned out for tonight's party." Katy says as the boys set our drinks down. Chloe and I agree and with that we leave the boys alone in our booth. We are raiding Chloe's closet, looking for the best fit for tonight's festivities. Chloe has an edgy style that makes her look snatched all the time. Chloe pulls out a pair of high waisted leather leggings and a cropped red tank top, "For you Tess." she hands it to me. This was a risky outfit; I normally didn't wear shirts that would reveal my stomach, but I grab it from her anyway. I was working on taking myself back and being comfortable in my own skin. Katy opts for a cheetah print flowy, cropped shirt with daisy dukes and Chloe chooses a skintight black romper that teases the world. We change into our cheer uniform skirts, tucking our decorated shirts in, and head to the car. "Let's stop by Grant's and pick up the boys, that away we can all just take one car." Katy says as she turns onto a road a few down from hers. When we stop in front of a pillared brick home, its unrecognizable, Grant had never brought me here before. We both chose to spend our time away from our homes, specifically away from my home and mom. We walk into the front hall, a chandelier hands from the ceiling and a set of stairs wraps around to the top floor, it was a beautiful home. "Boys! We are here!" Chloe calls to the boys, Katy excuses herself to the restroom and I follow Chloe into the kitchen. She opens the fridge and grabs out a soda while I take a seat at the table. I glance down at the table and my heart stops. Engraved into an expensive oak table was a round ring, an ash tray sits in the middle of the table. My world crashes around me. I shove my chair back so hard it falls over. "What the hell is going on." Grant says as he enters the kitchen. That voice, that's why he was so familiar. I whip my body around to face him in the same doorway he had stood while I was smashed against his kitchen table. "Why is she here?" Grant's voice grows with anger as he yells to Chloe. My breathing is so heavy I can't even hear Chloe respond. My skin prickles with anger and tears threaten to break away from the corners of my eyes. My legs become heavy, the room is spinning. Grant is screaming at Katy and Nick while Liam and Chloe silently watch. I make eye contact with Liam, "Get me out of here now." Liam doesn't hesitate for a single moment he moves to me, wrapping me around my waist and as I fall limp into his arm, he bears my weight all the way till we reach his car. "What's going on Tess." Liam asks as he grabs my face, making me look at him. Grant is following out of the house hollering my name and begging me to come back, his face was red and wet. "Please Liam, get me out of here." I beg. Without another word he closes the door and runs to the driver side, closing his door and locking the car just as Grant reaches my door. Grant pulls on the handle of my door and is hitting the window, "Tess open the door. Please, let me explain." I search his face, how could this person who claimed to care for me and wanted to protect me have see what he did and then just let it happen. What kind of sick joke was he playing. Liam backs up and Grant follows the car all the way to the end of the drive, begging me the whole time to stop the car. Once we are down the road, I let go, my body shakes as I let out screams that had been clawing against me while I stood in that kitchen. Liam drives to his house and carries me inside his house, my head tucked into the nape of his neck. He lays me down on a bed and begins pushing hair that was sticking to my tears from my face, my face falls down to my lap and I notice I'm in the shirt with his name on it. I rip off my shirt, "Did you lock the door." I choke out. "Yes, of course. Now what's going on?" Liam asks as he grabs one of his shirts and slips it over my head. "Can you please just leave me alone for a little." I ask as I pull my body away from his touch. He doesn't say anything, just stand and walks from the room. My phone pings, Grant.

Don't come to the game tonight. G

Who was he to tell me where I could or couldn't be. He has completely lost all privileges to speak to me, let alone control my whereabouts. In this case I didn't want to go to the game, but I couldn't miss it or I wouldn't be able to letter in athletics and I would be cut from the basketball season of cheer. Cheer was something that I needed to help distract myself from my life. I pull back the covers on the bed and shove my body underneath them and close my eyes. 


The door creaks and soft voices fall into the room which awakens me from my sleep. "Tess? Can we come in?" Katy asks but doesn't wait for a reply. With my body coming alive from the sleep my body forced me into I am hit with a wave of nausea. I leap from the bed and run to the toilet. One set of hands rubs my back and arm while another set of hands hold my hair back. "Please tell us what is going on." Chloe pleads from behind me. I wipe the back of my hand across my lips, smearing red on my hand and lean back from my knees, falling onto my butt. One of them must have called Stacey because she's staring down at me along with Chloe and Katy. I didn't want them to know and have them see me in a different way, but I also needed the people who are closest to me to support me through this. I've tried managing the situation on my own, but it was time that I had more people in my corner. So, I let it all out and as I tell them sobs leave my mouth but I'm not crying alone. The three of them are hugging me on the floor of Liam's bathroom tears streaming down their faces. "I'm so glad that you told us Tess. No one should have to go through something like that alone." Chloe breaks the silence. "I just didn't want you guys to think of me that way, I don't want to walk around in life with pitiful looks casted my way." I whisper. "This situation doesn't paint your character." Katy says. "Please just keep this between us." I plead, this was something I wanted only them to know, all three of them agree to keep my secret. 


The girls have gone out to the car to collect makeup and the rest of my uniform. Whether I liked it or not, I had to go to tonight's game. Liam comes into the room with a glass of water and two pain killers, I hadn't realized until now that my head was pounding. "I'm not going to pry, whatever happened I realized you will tell me when you are ready. But I want you to know that I'm team Tess, always have been and always will be." Liam states as I play with the hem of his shirt. Tears well up in my eyes and I hug him, this was the comfort and protection I needed. It was what I had sought in Grant. 

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