Part 4

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I'm sipping coffee as the girls move about getting ready for the day. I was up early so I had already fixed my hair, Katy hands me a tube of mascara and I begin caking my lashes. "Tess you fell asleep so fast last night, we didn't get a chance to ask you about Grant." Chloe wiggles her eyebrows. Of course Katy had told her about last night. My head ached from a hangover but not near as much as my hand. "You guys were about to kiss! I wonder if he is a good kisser? I bet he is... you know I've never seen Grant with a girl right." Katy beams. I let my head flop back, this was too much for me right now. Grant was too hard to figure out, one minute he wasn't speaking to me the next he was following me to the backyard and leaning in to kiss me. My phone pinged, Liam.

Coming to pick you girls up for a day trip, be there in 5 :) L

Okay. T

I read Liam's message to the girls who immediately start rushing their morning routines. "This is going to be so fun!" Chloe exclaims as she pulls on a pair of jeans. Katy runs to her closest flipping through her clothes, "You can't wear your cheer outfit all day Tess, here.", Katy throws a romper in my face. It was cute, black with small red flowers covering it and the sleeves sit just below the shoulder. I slip into it and check my hair and makeup one more time, I was going to need to practice putting mascara on with my left hand. Chloe takes note of my lashes, grabs a wipe to fix it up then takes the wand up to my eyelid, "There, now go get em girl." I check one more time in the mirror and smile, it felt good to put myself together like this. A car honks and we all know its Liam and the boys. We make our way to the front door, my phone pings, Liam and mom.

Here. L

When will you be home honey?

I don't answer to either one, Liam will see that I got his message as soon as I make my way out the door. As for mom, I'm not feeling it today. I slip out of the front door and close it behind me, Katy and Chloe already heading to the car. Liam turns to me, "Good morning, Tess." Liam doesn't look too bad, not near as bad as me after a long night. "So where are we off too?" I ask, the anticipation getting the best of me. Liam chuckles and fastens his seat belt, "you'll see." We drive for about an hour, I haven't explored much around here so I'm not sure the direction this little outing is taking. We pull into a little drive with a cabin up ahead, "so um, did you guys bring us out here to kill us?" The girls laugh, Grant just shrugs, I hate how he never speaks. "Oh, c'mon sweet cheeks, if I did that who would I have to walk me to class every day." Liam's sly smile comes back to life, I roll my eyes and step out of the car. This place was beautiful, peaceful. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath, birds sing, leaves shift together creating a song that only the woods know the words to. Liam, Grant, and Nick begin walking past the cabin and down a rocky path, my ankles threaten to give out on me as my feet roll on the rocks. "You know I wasn't really expecting this when you guys asked to pick us up." Katy says as she steps down on a loose rock that gives way, ankle rolling from underneath her. Nick is quick to grab her, saving her from a meeting with the ground. Katy blushes, Liam sing songs, "my hero." My gaze falls to what's ahead, it's breath taking, the river flows quickly, singing its own melody, the sun shines down on the water painting its own perfect picture of bliss. "We're here." Liam smiles and walks towards kayaks pulled onto the bank, there was only three. "Slow your roll, firstly my arm," I say as I lift up my hand to remind him, "secondly there's only three and if I'm counting this correctly, I see six of us." He continues, ignoring me as he grabs gear. Taking a life jacket, he slides it on me and clips it, "We'll all ride the buddy system." Nope, just no. I was not getting on a tiny kayak designed for one person with one of them. The three boys already have their life jackets on and are bringing the kayaks to the water's edge. "C'mon Tess, I'll go with Nick!" Katy runs to the kayak Nick is readying it for the water. Liam opens his mouth looking to me but before the words can come out Grant speaks, "You can come with me Tess." My eyes dart from Liam to Grant, I didn't want to be with mister stone cold. Liam gives no time to argue, "cool, that means you're with me, Chloe." Chloe does a little nose scrunch, glances at the water, then concedes, "fine, but you put one finger on me Liam and I'm breaking all of them." Liam puts his hands in the air, a gesture of innocence, a smile playing across his face. Trust was hard and this was gonna push it. I trusted my mom when I got in the car as she was taking me to in her words a "surprise". I let her blind fold me and stick me in the car, I should have known. Grant stretches his hand out to help me onto the kayak, I can't live the rest of my life never trusting people just because my mom was a major let down. I might regret this later, but I put my hand into his.

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