Chapter Three

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The next morning the bakery was its busiest. Ryleigh's limited edition strawberry shortcake combo started and everyone stood in line waiting for theirs. The combo consisted of a milkshake with a strawberry shortcake-flavored treat of their choosing. As Ryleigh and her other employees worked around the chaos the door opened again.

This time Ryleigh was surprised to see who it was. He was wearing his construction clothes like usual the only odd this time he wasn't wearing a scowl like always instead there was a small smile plastered on his face.

"Back again I see," Ryleigh says as he walks up to the front.

"Yeah my buddies insisted that I bring them more of your delicious treats," Landon replies stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Is there anything specific you want this time?" Ryleigh asked him.

"Not really," he answered avoiding her eyes.

Ryleigh nodded before packing a box full of some of her strawberry shortcake-flavored treats and other things.

"That'll be $35.45," she tells him as she passes the box to him.

"Thanks," he says after giving her the money.

As he leaves Ryleigh's mind wanders back to the conversation with Sophia yesterday. Ryleigh and Landon's history goes all the way to high school, specifically sophomore year. Ryleigh was the new girl and always wore a bright smile and lit up any room she entered with her bubbly personality. Landon on the other hand was and still is the complete opposite. And you can say since the moment they crossed paths they never seen eye to eye. There's no exact reason why they hate each other but they always have.

Ryleigh wondered if someone like Landon could change or be the type of guy she would fall for. Before she could get too lost in the thoughts of liking someone she vowed to always hate, a customer walked through the door.

The customer was a regular named Mrs. Johnson, a sweet elderly woman with a penchant for Ryleigh's pastries. She shuffled into the bakery, her eyes twinkling with anticipation as she caught sight of the display case filled with delectable treats.

"Good morning, Ryleigh dear," Mrs. Johnson greeted with a warm smile. "I'll take a half-dozen of your famous strawberry shortcake cupcakes, please."

Ryleigh returned the smile, grateful for the interruption that pulled her away from her contemplation of Landon. She quickly gathered the requested cupcakes and placed them in a box, her hands moving with practiced efficiency.

"Here you go, Mrs. Johnson," Ryleigh said, handing over the box. "That'll be $12.50."

Mrs. Johnson fumbled in her purse for her wallet, her gentle laughter filling the air. "Oh, dear me, I always forget where I put it. Ah, here it is!"

As Mrs. Johnson handed over the money, Ryleigh noticed a glimmer of curiosity in her eyes. The elderly woman witnessed the ongoing feud between Ryleigh and Landon, having seen their clashes over the years. Ryleigh wondered if Mrs. Johnson had any insights or advice to offer.

"Ryleigh, my dear," Mrs. Johnson began, her voice filled with a touch of wisdom. "Forgive an old lady for prying, but I couldn't help but notice the change in Landon's demeanor this morning. Is something happening between you two?"

Ryleigh's cheeks flushed slightly, surprised by Mrs. Johnson's perceptiveness. She had always been fond of the elderly woman, finding solace in her kind words and gentle presence.

"Well, Mrs. Johnson," Ryleigh replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I'm not sure. We've never really gotten along, but lately, there seems to be... something different about him."

Mrs. Johnson's eyes sparkled with understanding as she patted Ryleigh's hand affectionately. "My dear, sometimes people surprise us. It's never too late for a change of heart or a new beginning. Don't close yourself off to the possibilities."

Ryleigh nodded, her mind churning with thoughts and emotions. She appreciated Mrs. Johnson's perspective and knew that it was time to reassess her long-held animosity toward Landon. After all, people could change, and maybe there was more to him than met the eye.

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