Chapter Five

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Today was one of Ryleigh's days off from the bakery, so she decided to take a walk and explore more of Serenity Falls. The morning sun was warm on her skin as she strolled down elm-lined streets, enjoying the birdsong drifting through the trees.

She let her mind wander as her feet carried her through quiet neighborhoods. After a while, lost in thought, she realized she wasn't sure where she was anymore. Ryleigh glanced up to get her bearings - and that's when it happened.

Before she had a chance to look up it was too late, she collided with something or rather someone.

"Oof!" she grunted as they collided. Strong arms flashed out and caught her before she fell.

For a moment she was dizzy, enveloped in the scent of soap and cologne as familiar muscles held her steady. When her vision cleared, she found herself gazing up into hazel eyes staring down in surprise.

"Landon," she said, catching her breath. His grip was warm and sure around her waist.

A half-smile quirked his lips. "Careful where you're looking, Sunshine. Or you might run into trouble."

Ryleigh's cheeks flushed. She wanted to pull away but found herself reluctant to leave the circle of his arms just yet. "I thought we weren't speaking," she said finally.

Landon hesitated, searching her face. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. "So did I," he replied, his voice low and rough. They stood suspended for a long moment, the world held its breath around them.

"We were, but I couldn't just let you fall," Landon added, helping Ryleigh steady herself. "Wouldn't want you to hurt that pretty face of yours."

Ryleigh rolled her eyes. "Always with the charm, aren't you Landon? Why can't you just be normal for once?"

Landon smirked. "Now where's the fun in that? Besides, you know you love it." He glanced around the empty streets. "So where were you off to in such a hurry anyway? Another hike into the woods to commune with nature?"

"Very funny. I was just exploring the town, seeing what else there is to do around here when I'm not working. It can't be bakeries and bars all the time." She began walking again, gesturing for Landon to join her. "Care to be my tour guide for the day? Might learn something if you actually pay attention for once."

"Ouch, you wound me Sunshine." "Alright, your wish is my command. Let me show you what Serenity Falls has to offer."

Landon slowly released Ryleigh from his arms, but his hands lingered on her waist a moment longer than necessary. She gazed up at him, noticing flecks of gold in his hazel eyes that she had never seen before.

An awkward silence fell between them as they remembered their tumultuous history. Landon was the first to break eye contact, clearing his throat. "Um, are you alright?" he asked gruffly.

"Y-yes, I'm fine. Thanks to your quick reflexes," Ryleigh stammered, still shaken from their collision and unexpected close contact. A light breeze lifted strands of hair across her face, which she nervously tucked behind her ear.

Landon watched her movements closely, a strange expression on his face. "Well, try to pay more attention next time. Wouldn't want you getting hurt out here." His tone was teasing but she detected an undercurrent of concern in his voice.

Ryleigh narrowed her eyes. "Somehow I think you'd enjoy that a little too much."

A chuckle rumbled in Landon's throat. "You know me too well, sunshine." His easy smile didn't quite reach his eyes, which remained wary. Old wounds lingered under the surface for both of them.

An awkward silence fell once more. Ryleigh glanced around, taking in their surroundings for the first time. The quaint streets were empty on this quiet Saturday morning. Windows gazed darkened, as residents stayed indoors, enjoying their day off.

"So," she said finally, "You offered to give me a tour. Where to first?" Her smile was tentative, unsure where they stood after this unexpected encounter. But she was willing to try extending an olive branch, for curiosity if nothing else.

Landon scratched his stubbled jaw, considering. "Well, there's a nice little park this way with good trails. We could start there, and get some fresh air. Work up an appetite for the diner's cherry pie after." His eyes twinkled roguishly.

Ryleigh nodded. "The park sounds nice. Lead on, tour guide." As they fell into a companionable stride down the sidewalk, she wondered where this day might lead them both.

As they entered the park, Ryleigh breathed in the fresh woody scent permeating the air. The green foliage was abounding everywhere she looked - oak, maple, and pine trees dotted the landscape, their branches reaching up towards the clear blue sky. Flowering bushes and vines added splashes of color along walking paths. Birds were singing sweetly from within the trees.

"It really is beautiful here," Ryleigh commented softly, still taking it all in. Her eyes landed on a large willow tree up ahead, its long wispy branches trailing towards the ground. "That looks like a nice spot to sit for a bit, don't you think?"

Landon followed her gaze. "The willow? Yeah, it's a popular spot. Let me show you something first though." He gestured for her to follow as he veered off the main path onto a smaller trail.

Intrigued, Ryleigh fell into step beside him. Their footsteps crunched lightly on the pebbled path, lined by lush ferns and wildflowers. After a few minutes of walking in a comfortable silence, the trees suddenly opened up to reveal a small hidden grove. A burbling brook flowed through the middle, splitting around large smooth stones. Tiny songbirds fluttered among the branches, adding to the serene soundtrack of flowing water.

"Oh Landon, it's lovely!" Ryleigh breathed, stepping closer to the water's edge. Sunlight dappled the ground through the overhanging boughs, illuminating flecks of mica within the stones. She knelt to run her fingers through the cool clear water, sending ripples across its surface.

Landon watched her reaction with a small smile, leaning against a tree trunk with his hands in his pockets. "Thought you might like getting away from the busy paths. It's my secret spot to come and unwind." His eyes held hers meaningfully before glancing away, visibly more relaxed out here in nature.

"Thank you for sharing it with me," Ryleigh said softly, meeting his gaze once more. A warm current seemed to pass between them at that moment, acknowledging something deeper left unsaid.

Landon shrugged nonchalantly, his usual cockiness momentarily replaced by a vulnerability she hadn't seen before. "Well, I figured we could use a break from our usual banter and constant bickering," he admitted, his voice tinged with sincerity.

Ryleigh chuckled softly, a hint of fondness in her eyes. "You mean you finally got tired of our never-ending arguments?"

He smirked, a mischievous glint returning to his hazel eyes. "Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm sure we'll be back to our usual arguing in no time. But for now, I thought we could try something different."

She tilted her head, a playful challenge in her gaze. "Different, huh? Well, I'm curious to see how long you can keep up this 'nice guy' act."

Landon raised an eyebrow, his lips twitching into a smirk. "Oh, I can be nice when I want to be, Sunshine. Just wait and see."

They spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the park together, discovering hidden paths, and sharing stories from their childhood. Landon surprised Ryleigh with his knowledge of the local flora and fauna, pointing out different bird species and explaining the significance of certain trees. The tension between them slowly melted away, replaced by a newfound camaraderie and a shared sense of adventure.

As they walked back towards town, the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape. Ryleigh glanced at Landon, a soft smile playing on her lips. "You know, maybe we don't have to be enemies all the time."

He slowed his pace, his eyes searching hers. "Maybe," he replied, his voice softer than before. "Maybe we could try being... friends?"

Ryleigh's smile widened, and she nodded. "Friends sounds nice."

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