Chapter Eight

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The bakery was buzzing with activity once again. Ryleigh moved quickly behind the counter, taking orders from the steady stream of customers. The soft, soothing sounds of classical music played in the background, creating a calming atmosphere despite the hustle and bustle.

As Ryleigh was handing a customer their order, the familiar jingle of the bell above the door signaled a new arrival. She glanced up to see Landon and two of his construction worker friends stroll into the bakery. Ryleigh's eyes met Landon's briefly, and she gave him a slight nod of acknowledgment. Though they weren't exactly friends, the two had learned to be civil with one another after their past tensions.

"Hey Sunshine,"  Landon said, offering a half-smile as he approached the counter. "The usual for me and the guys."

"Coming right up," Ryleigh replied, her tone polite. She set about preparing Landon's usual order - a large black coffee and a blueberry muffin.

"Busy day today, huh?" one of Landon's friends, a burly man named Jake, commented as he glanced around the bustling bakery.

"Yeah, it's been steady all morning," Ryleigh confirmed, handing Landon his coffee and muffin. "Here you go."

"Thanks," Landon said, taking a sip of the hot coffee. "Hits the spot." He turned to his friends. "Come on, let's grab a table."

The three men made their way to an empty table in the corner, sitting down and chatting away. Shaking her head slightly, Ryleigh turned her attention back to the next customer in line, a friendly older woman who was perusing the display case of pastries. "Good morning, ma'am. What can I get for you today?"

As the day wore on, the bakery remained busy, customers filtering in and out at a steady pace. Ryleigh worked alongside her coworkers, efficiently taking orders, preparing baked goods, and ringing up purchases. Occasionally, she would glance over at Landon's table, where the three men were deep in conversation, occasionally bursting into laughter.

Though they were never going to be close friends, Ryleigh had to admit that Landon and his buddies weren't causing any trouble. They were simply enjoying their coffee and muffins, minding their own business. Ryleigh felt a small sense of relief at this, glad that the uneasy tension between them hadn't escalated into something more.

As the lunch rush began to wind down, Landon and his friends finished their snacks and headed for the door. Landon caught Ryleigh's eye once more, offering a brief nod before following his friends out into the afternoon sunshine. Ryleigh watched them go, letting out a small sigh. Another day, another interaction with Landon. She was glad they had managed to find a way to coexist peacefully, after everything that had happened.

After the last customer left, Ryleigh wiped down the counter and tidied up the bakery. The lunch rush had left her feeling exhausted, but she knew there was still work to be done. As she finished up, she glanced at the clock and realized it was almost time for her break.

With a sigh of relief, Ryleigh stepped into the back room and grabbed her phone. She dialed the number of her best friend, Sophia, and waited for her to pick up.

"Hey, Ryleigh! How's it going?" Sophia's cheerful voice greeted her.

Ryleigh couldn't help but smile at the sound of her friend's voice. "Hey, Sof. It's been a busy day at the bakery, but I finally have a moment to breathe."

Sophia chuckled. "Tell me about it. Retail can be a nightmare sometimes. So, what's been happening?"

Ryleigh settled into a chair and began recounting the events of the day, starting with Landon's unexpected visit. She described their brief exchange at the counter and how he and his friends had settled at a table in the corner.

Sophia listened attentively, interjecting with questions and comments along the way. When Ryleigh finished, Sophia let out a low whistle. "Sounds like things are getting interesting with Mr. Landon. I remember when you two were at each other's throats."

Ryleigh chuckled, recalling their past clashes. "Yeah, it feels like a lifetime ago. We've both grown up since then, I suppose. Now we just coexist peacefully. It's a relief, really."

Sophia's voice turned serious. "Do you think there's a chance for something more? I mean, you two seem to have found a way to be civil. Maybe there's potential for a friendship or something?"

Ryleigh paused, considering Sophia's words. The thought had crossed her mind before, but she wasn't sure if it was something she wanted or if it was even possible. "I don't know, Sof. We've made progress, but I'm unsure if I want to push it further. We're in different worlds, you know?"

Sophia sighed softly. "I get it, Ryleigh. It's your call. Just remember, sometimes the most unexpected connections can turn into something beautiful. But I'll support you no matter what."

Ryleigh smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Sof. You're the best. I guess we'll see what the future holds. For now, I'm just glad that things are calm between us."

They chatted a while longer, discussing random topics. Sophia's infectious laughter filled the air, easing the tension that had built up throughout the day. Ryleigh couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and warmth, knowing that she had such a wonderful friend by her side.

As their conversation came to a close, Ryleigh got ready to close up the bakery. Today was a busy and tiring day yet she got to put smiles on people's faces so that was a win.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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