Chapter Six

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When Ryleigh opened her front door that night after Landon dropped her off she didn't expect Sophia to sit on her couch in the dark until she turned on the light.

"You're weird for sitting in the living room with the lights off," Ryleigh commented as she took a seat next to her.

"Where were you?" Sophia asked ignoring her comment.

"I was out," Ryleigh states.

She didn't want to say she was with her Landon who she thought was her sworn enemy all day. That would've just proved that Sophia was right and she wasn't ready to give her the satisfaction of that just yet.

"With whom?" she pressed further.

"Why are you grilling me like a cop?' Ryleigh asked her.

"Because we had plans to hang out today and you bailed on me," Sophia explained.

"Oh, I completely forgot it slipped my mind I'm so sorry," Ryleigh apologizes.

Ryleigh and Sophia haven't hung out with each other with no interruptions in a while. They always had to stop because Ryleigh's employees needed help at the bakery or she had to add finishing touches to a new item on the menu.

"How can I make it up to you," Ryleigh asked her.

"By having a sleepover and telling me who you spent the day with that made you forget about us hanging out together," Sophia replied with a mischievous smile.

"I hate you," Ryleigh joked playfully rolling her eyes.

"I love you too," Sophia responded.

Ryleigh chuckled, seeing the playful glint in Sophia's eyes. They had been best friends since they were in diapers, and despite their ups and downs, their bond remained unbreakable.

"Fine, you win. I'll tell you all about my day, but only if you promise not to judge me," Ryleigh said, raising an eyebrow.

Sophia gasped dramatically. "I can't promise that! But I'll try my best to contain my judgmental self," she replied, grinning.

Ryleigh rolled her eyes and recounted her day with Landon, from the awkward encounter at the bakery to the surprising revelations during their day out. Sophia listened intently, her eyes widening at certain parts of the story.

"Wait, hold on. Did you actually spend the day with Landon? The same Landon that you've been feuding with since like forever?" Sophia asked, disbelief evident in her voice.

Ryleigh nodded, feeling a mix of emotions as she recalled the day's events. "Yeah, it was... unexpected. But he's not as bad as I thought. In fact, he's actually kind of nice when he's not being annoying."

Sophia raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile playing on her lips. "Oh, is that so? Could it be that you're starting to like him?"

Ryleigh scoffed, swatting at Sophia playfully. "Absolutely not! We're just... getting along, I guess. Who knows, maybe pigs will fly next!"

Sophia laughed, shaking her head. "Well, stranger things have happened. But hey, at least you had a change of pace from the usual bakery drama, right?"

Ryleigh nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah, it was nice for a change. And hey, having you here for a sleepover is the icing on the cake."

Sophia grinned. "That's what best friends are for, right?

"Okay, enough about me and my life how has everything been for you?" Ryleigh asked.

"The same as always work and a bit of socializing but nothing is as interesting as you hanging out with your "sworn enemy," Sophia replied with a smirk.

"Shut up he really isn't all that bad," Ryleigh states blushing in embarrassment.

Sophia raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, really? Blushing, are we? I think someone might have a little crush."

Ryleigh's face turned even redder, and she playfully shoved Sophia. "No way! It's just... he surprised me today, that's all. I mean, we had some genuine conversations, and he was actually... kind of sweet."

Sophia leaned closer, a teasing smile on her face. "Sweet, huh? Well, well, well, it seems like the feud might be turning into something else entirely."

Ryleigh sighed, feeling a mix of annoyance and amusement at her best friend's relentless teasing. "Can we drop it, please? I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I spent the entire day with him without wanting to strangle him."

Sophia laughed and raised her hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, I'll cut you some slack. But just remember, if this sworn enemy of yours suddenly becomes your actual friend, I reserve the right to say, 'I told you so.'"

Ryleigh shook her head, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Fine, I'll keep that in mind. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. It was just one day, and who knows what will happen tomorrow? For now, let's focus on our sleepover and forget about boys and their confusing ways."

Sophia grinned, leaning back on the couch. "You're right. Sleepover time is sacred. We'll have fun, eat junk food, and talk about anything but boys. Deal?"

Ryleigh nodded, her worries momentarily forgotten. "Deal. Let's make this sleepover one for the books."

With that, the two friends settled in for a night of fun and laughter. They talked about everything and nothing, shared secrets, and laughed until their stomachs hurt. As the night wore on, they both felt a sense of comfort and belonging, knowing that they had each other, no matter what life threw their way.

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