Twenty four

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Edward stood listening to Alice plan a party for Bella. He didn't know about this as Carli is almost due and this party could be a disaster. "I don't think we should hold the party in the house with Carli as she is almost due. Bella could do something to cause danger and I'm not having someone harm my fiancée and our daughter."

"Edward, Nate will keep her safe."

"No he won't." He tells them. "He will just put her in more danger and if someone harms my family, I will kill them."

They watched him go to Carli in the living room who has been watching tv. They knew he was upset about this, but this will probably be the only time that Bella will celebrate her birthday.


"Edward, I know you don't want this to happen and I don't either, but if Alice wants to throw a party, then let her. Just make sure no one comes in here." She tells her as she groaned.


"Contractions." She tells him. "I'll be okay. As long as you are with me."

Edward sat down beside her as he put his arms around her. She smiled as she knew that Edward was going to right by her side and not at that so called party that will happen behind them. Carli looked up at him and kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you."
Later that day, Carli was napping as Edward was trying to understand how Carli learnt how to crochet. He loved the dress she made and the little booties. He couldn't believe the talent this woman has. He looked at her as he kissed her head. He heard the party going on behind them, but his main focus was right beside him.

Bella looked at them and wondered. "Is the baby alright?" She asked. 'I mean, Edward can enjoy himself instead of being near her..."

"Why you want his attention too?" Rosalie asked. "He has a mate that is about to have his child. He is not worried for attention seeking whore who has someone already."

"That's not what I meant. I mean, maybe he can relax some instead of worrying." Bella says. "I don't want him. He has Carli and I have Nate. I love him more than anything, but I want Edward to have a clear mind when Carli gives birth to their daughter." Nate smiled at her. "A clear mind is an easy birth."

Rosalie didn't say anything as she looked to see Edward shaking his head as he continued to look at something. The blonde looked at Emmett. "Wonder what he is looking at."

Emmett shrugged as the party continued. When Esme handed her gift to Bella, that's when all hell broke loose.

Edward stayed by his mate's side as he was ready to kill. "Edward?"

"Everything is okay, baby."

"My water broke."

Everything froze in that moment causing all the Cullens to look at her. Jasper ran to her side as Edward held her hand. Nate grabbed Bella and took her upstairs so Carlisle can stitch her. Rosalie walked over to watch Carlisle check on Carli as she started crying. 'You are fully dilated, Carli." He looked at the boys. "Edward, Jasper, Emmett, get her in the pool."

They nodded as they carried her over to the pool. Rosalie and Alice started grabbing things as Carli was ready to push.
"Is he coming?" She asked as she held the towel tight on her arm.

"He'll be up here." Nate tells her. "He is delivering the baby."

"Why don't you take me to the hospital and I'll tell them I fell down the stairs here. That way Carlisle can focus."

Nate nodded as he guided Bella out of the room. He was holding his breath the best way he can so he won't attack her. They heard Carli screaming and crying as Edward was trying to keep her calm. "Edward, after this, no more!"

"There'll be more. Just not right now."

"Edward!" She screamed out as she continued to push. "Shut up."

Edward laughed as he kissed her head he was happy that they were finally going to meet their baby girl. Hearing Carlisle tell her to take another break meant she would be exhausted. "She's almost here."

"I know." She cried. "I just want this pain to be done and over with."

"The pain will stop." He says kissing her head. "Leanna Rose Cullen will be here soon."

"Rose?" Rosalie says.

"Yes. It's her middle name." Carli says tiredly. "After her godmother."

Rosalie smiled as she hugged her. "Time to start pushing again, Carli."

Carli nodded as she started pushing. Leanna Rose will be here soon and she couldn't wait.

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