Like Eating Glass

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Cool. Super cool. Now Sebastian thinks she's stalking him. It's not like there's another place around here to get food late at night. At least Zuzu would have had five different restaurants to choose from within a few blocks.

Sage kicks her boots against the doormat, sending drops of water flying across the floor. Stomping to the counter, she orders a plate of pepper poppers. Something spicy ought to help her sour mood.

Glowering, she slumps into a booth. At least the seats are cushy beneath her, and the air is fragrant with fried food. The saloon's light is warm, and a cheery tune plays from a jukebox in the corner. A low buzz of conversation hums as various residents converse in their own booths.

Gus places her food on the table with a wide grin. "Hope these cheer you up, Sage. Included a few extra on the house."

Sage's heart throbs at the sudden kindness. "Thank you, Gus. That means a lot." She bites into a popper, savoring the flavor spreading over her tongue. The cream cheese is a perfect consistency, and the spice warms her from the inside out.

Sage sighs, and relaxes into the soft seat. She's chewing and glancing around the room when Shane catches her attention. He's in a far corner, nursing a beer, leaning against the wall.

He notices her, and Sage raises a hand in greeting, then points at the poppers and raises a brow. A silent invitation. He blinks. She assumes he's going to refuse, but he shrugs and makes his way over, swaying.

He's clumsy as he slides into the booth. His drink sloshes around in the mug, just shy of overflowing. Clearly drunk, but that's nothing she hasn't dealt with before. "Hey, Sage." At least he isn't slurring. His gaze drifts to her food. "Are those pepper poppers?"

"Yeah, I was craving something spicy. Help yourself." Sage pushes the plate toward him.

An actual grin spreads over his face. "I love spice. Chicken and spicy food buddies, huh?" He bites into a popper. A bit of cream cheese sticks to his lip, and he washes it down with a swig of beer.

"Yeah, that sounds good. What brings you here so late, anyway?"


His expression is completely neutral, but Sage can't help but laugh. He palms his forehead and joins her, and soon they're holding their bellies, giggling. "I'm sorry," she gasps. "I know it's not funny. I just appreciate the candor."

Shane's grin is a little lopsided. "You're good. I could ask you the same thing. What brings you to the saloon at this hour?" He rests his chin on his hand, downing more of his alcohol.

She wipes some crumbs from her mouth. "No food in the house. I haven't had a chance to grab proper groceries yet. You saved my ass with the pizza earlier."

Humming, Shane leans in. "I don't 'officially' condone this, but I work at the Jojamart here. If you ever need anything I could use my 'employee discount'."

Raising an eyebrow, she snorts. Is everyone in Pelican Town this friendly? Except Sebastian, her mind whispers. The thought sends a twinge through her gut.

But no, she's not thinking about him right now. "That's cool of you to offer, but I'll stick to Pierre's. I worked for Joja back when I lived in Zuzu, and I'd rather avoid anything to do with them now."

A knowing look flits across his face. "Yeah, I get that. I hate them, but it's not like there are many opportunities for work here, either. Marnie pays me a little for helping with the animals, but that doesn't go too far." He raises his mug and the beer sloshes again. "Gotta pay for this, somehow."

Sage nods, picking at her fingernails. "No judgment here. I worked there for eleven years."

Shane almost chokes, dropping the glass to the table with a thud. "Eleven years? Wait a minute. How old are you?" He counts on his fingers, brow furrowed in concentration. Keeps having to start over, too drunk to get too far.

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