The World at Large

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A week after The Pickle Incident, Sage sprints toward Marnie's. Minutes ago, she peered into her coop and met with the watchful eyes of mother hens, and heard tiny peeps beneath them. Four baby chicks, four new lives to take care of.

Ecstatic doesn't begin to cover her emotions. She's terrified, too, and wants to drag Shane to the farm to check on them. She skids on the grass, wet from last night's rain, and crashes into Marnie's front room. Shane almost falls off his chair. "Yoba, Sage! What the hell?"

Heaving, Sage sways near the entrance. "Shane! Hatchlings! Please, can you come and make sure they're okay?"

His face brightens, and without hesitation, he grabs a jacket from his chair. "Let's go." They're out the door before he's finished putting his shoes on. He hops, tugging at them, and dashes to her side. "You could have texted me instead of running all the way to the ranch!"

Sage throws her arms in the air. "I didn't even think of that! I was too worried!"

A little breathless, Shane laughs. "They'll be fine! The hens will know what to do. I'll check on them, though."

They leap over fallen branches in the forest, duck under low-hanging limbs, and weave through trees, leaves brushing against their skin. Emerging onto the farm, they make a beeline for the coop. Panting, Sage and Shane lean on the wall for support.

Inside, the chicks have tumbled onto the ground. They peep, sleepy and bunched together, their little bodies stretching toward their mothers. Beaming, Shane hunches over them and coos, wearing a tender look Sage has never seen before.

Raising his head, his expression is soft. "They're perfect. They'll grow up to be strong, healthy chickens." With care, he tucks them into their nests. "Make sure you're keeping their water source as clean as possible, and be gentle with them. Newborns are fragile."

He stands and checks his watch. "Fuck, I want to stay longer, but I have a shift at Jojamart soon. Keep an eye on them. If they seem like they're in any sort of distress, call me and I'll set you up with an incubator."

He gives the animals a final, fond look. "I gotta go, but keep me updated, okay?"

"I will, definitely. Thank you, Shane!" Sage waves as he dashes off. She turns back to the now quiet hatchlings, nestled into the shelters of their mothers. Her heart is tender, swollen.

Somehow this feels significant, the birth of new life on the farm. She wonders if her grandpa felt the same way when new animals were born. Her heart pangs, and she wishes she'd gotten a chance to know him better.

In the farmhouse, she looks over her finances. She has enough money to pay Robin to build a barn and buy some cows from the supplier Marnie provided. Her mouth twists and her jaw clenches, but she's positive it's the right move. They'll pay for themselves and then some before long. Sage takes a deep breath and sends a text to Robin.

Sage: Hey Robin! I'm ready to pay for the barn.

Robin: Great news, kiddo! I can start building this Monday. You can give me the check then.

Sage: Perfect. Thank you so much.

In the meantime, Sage has bigger issues. After setting aside for the new additions, her savings are meager. She's making some cash selling gems she finds in the mines along with extra eggs to Pierre, but it's not much. Until the potatoes are ready to harvest and the cows arrive, it'll be slim pickings. Luckily, Sage can fish. That'll take care of food for a while.

She steps outside. It's mid-afternoon, and the sun arcs toward the forest. Wrapping her cardigan around her, she heads to the shed behind the house. There's an old pole and box of tackle her grandpa left behind. Sage grabs it, along with a bucket, pops her earbuds in, and plods down the dirt road toward the beach.

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