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"We should dress light. We're gonna get soaked, anyway." Sebastian sneaks a glance at Sage, clad in a thin tank top and jean shorts. Already regretting the choice of words, he turns away and shucks his hoodie. "Lucky for us, my family goes to bed early. Shall we?"

"Let's do it." Chugging the rest of her coffee, Sage scratches Lenny's ear before they creep up the staircase. The squeak of the front door freezes them in their tracks, but no one stirs. They tiptoe outside with bated breath.

Lingering by the front door, Sage peers at the eerie glow bathing the Valley. "Maybe we should stay here a few minutes to make sure it's not gonna hurt us." Rubbing her arm, she shoots him a bashful grin.

"You scared?" Sebastian chuckles.

"Not scared, just practical." Sage sticks her tongue out, then recoils as the rain hits it. "What the fuck? Seb, it tastes like mint!"

Sticking his own tongue out, he jerks in surprise as a few drops fall into his mouth. The taste is sharp, minty, and a little peppery. "Shit, that's weird." He tilts his head to the sky. "I kinda dig it."

Below, Pelican Town is visible through the green haze. The sky above, so wide and open, fills him with thoughts of potential. Sebastian moves to Sage's side, leaning on the house.

He's a tightly wound ball, stuffed to the brim with fizzing excitement. It could be the caffeine, or the novelty, but he suspects most of it is the fact that Sage is there, and they have an entire night ahead of them.

"Well, we haven't disintegrated yet. Think you're comfy to go out?"

Sage answers by tugging him into the downpour. "We're already pretty wet. Might as well!"

Taking the lead, Sebastian pulls her onto the path down the mountain. The air is thick with the lush smells of grass, moss, and damp earth. Everything shimmers through a sheen of emerald. He's never seen the path look so beautiful, so gorgeous.

Sage keeps close. His skin tingles when her cold arm brushes against his. Trying to distract himself, he peers further into the gloom. "Spooky, isn't it?"

She nods. "Yeah, but it's kinda delicious how creepy it is, you know?" Bending down, she inspects the wildflowers lining the trail. "Wow, there's already so much new growth."

Crouching beside her, he runs his fingers over a rock. It's fuzzy with a thick layer of moss. A frog leaps from behind, and he lights up as Sage catches it between her palms.

"Check this little guy out! He's a cutie, isn't he?"

The sight of her holding a frog, beaming, sends his heart into overdrive. With a soft huff, he touches its bumpy skin. "Very cute."

Careful not to harm it, Sage places the frog into the undergrowth. "Bet this is a total party for him." Her smile is affectionate, reaching the depths of her eyes. "Let's leave him to it." It hops deeper into the trees, croaking.

"Have I ever told you I love frogs?"

Sage blinks at him. "No, but I can totally see it. You both prefer damp and dark spaces, right? No wonder you stay in that basement all the time."

He scoffs in mock indignation. "I leave the house sometimes! I'm outside right now."

"Yeah, in a damp, dark space."

Grumbling, Sebastian pokes her side, but warms at her teasing, the kind only a friend could get away with. Somehow, with her, the playful jabs feel bubbly and fun. He watches Sage as she wanders ahead, hair plastered flat and skin glistening in the faint light.

Stardew Valley |This Modern Love | F!Female Farmer x SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now