Tonight, Tonight

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A/N - This chapter contains graphic violence and blood. 

Dear resident,

In three weeks, the Valley's largest tourist attraction will take place in Pelican Town. The Valley Fair is a meeting of surrounding villages, a celebration of small town spirit, and an excuse to let loose and have fun.

Farmers, artisans, and creators are encouraged to present their best work. Please speak with me if you wish to participate. The stand receiving the most votes will win $100.

Hope to see you there!

Mayor Lewis

The letter, creased and stained with crimson juice, lies on Sage's counter as she scrutinizes her produce. The fair is tonight.

Her finest cranberries shine bright red in the window's light, nestled in a basket. There's a container of tart cranberry candy (she'd found the recipe in her grandfather's letters), a dozen of her hens' finest eggs, and a few jars of jam and homemade tomato sauce. Nodding, Sage tucks them into a box.

She and Pierre have a friendly bet going - whoever scores the most votes will win $50 from the other. Sage scoffs to herself, hardly believing she's arrived at a point where she can make frivolous financial gambles. Still, it's nice to have friendly competition - Pierre's bragged enough about his garden and she's eager to prove herself.

A cool breeze wafts through the open door, sending goosebumps racing up her legs. Autumn and its many colors have arrived early. The trees, tinged with countless shades of brilliant gold and scarlet, put Van Gogh to shame.

Sage peeks outside. The air smells of freshly turned soil. Maru kneels among the plants, up to her elbows in dirt, wrestling a pipe into the ground. Her tongue's caught between her teeth as she reaches for her ratchet. Sage hired her to install more sprinklers, setting herself up for double the field space.

Maru notices Sage and waves, beaming. "Good timing! I'm finished."

Sage flits to her side, marveling at the expanded space. "I don't know how I can even begin to thank you."

"I mean, paying me was nice, but you could grow strawberries in the spring?"

Laughing, Sage bends to hug her. "Deal." She breathes in deep, body buzzing with appreciation for her little farm. "I'm in the mood for some girl time. Wanna paint our nails before Seb and Shane show up?"

"Yes! Though," Maru says, glancing at her dirt-caked arms, "mind if I wash up in your sink?"

"All yours." Sage leads the way inside, digging out an old box of polish as Maru scrubs herself with vigor. She picks out a deep crimson for herself, to match her cranberries, and a metallic silver for Maru. Sage wiggles the bottle at her. "Thoughts?"

"Reminds me of my wrenches! Perfect." With clean hands, she plucks the bottle from Sage. They settle onto the porch, surrounded by the droning of bumblebees and cicadas, what's left of summer's crescendo.

"By the way," Maru says, painting her pinkie with precise movements, "I'm glad you and Sebby finally got together. He mooned over you for months."

"Pff. We were both idiots throughout the whole thing. It was the worry whether he'd move away that was stopping us. I'm glad he figured it out. I just wanted him to be happy."

Maru arches a brow. "But you hoped he'd be happy with you."

"Yes." Sage admires her cranberry polish in the dying sunlight. "But I was prepared for either possibility."

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