The secret ingredient is blood...

3 1 9

...11 days later...

After the first time, we never sleep separately.

Well, I say that but, sometimes I wake up to find Brent sleeping on the cement floor.

Last night was another such instance.

I decided to ask him about it and he laughed.

"Sleeping next to a furnace does have its perks but, sometimes I need to cool down." He says.

I smiled.

"You keep pouring fuel into that furnace, don't complain about the heat." I say, grinning.

"Yeah, well, your period was finally over.

While I'm glad it's not 7 days, like most humans, 5 is still a while..."

"Oh, so you're blaming my period being over as the reason you went for so long before practically exploding?

I don't know much about the human body, aside from textbooks, but that doesn't seem normal." I say.

"Well, Lysle did heal me of any illnesses or injuries."

"True. Oh, dad wanted me to tell you that he'll be here later.

He wants to talk to you about what your tattoo means." I tell him as I stretch and snuggle back up to him.

"Okay. I thought that it was just a tattoo."

"Really? Dad's made him able to use magic."

"How's that?"

"It's ink was made with my biological father's blood. He gave dad that tattoo and six other humans.

At the time, it was to mark them as friends of morphs.

Their fame is widespread, too. Even today."

"I'm glad that I didn't get one on my neck.

I'd hate to be labeled a poser or something." Brent says.

"What do you mean?

It doesn't matter where it is, on your body, a pawprint tattoo has always meant that the person is a friend of morphs.

Telepaths check the validity, in case someone is posing but, that only happened once, a long time ago."

We head toward my station wagon and get in.

"Oh wow, these seats are comfy!" Brent says.

We head toward my dad's home and get there about ten minutes later.

Getting out, we head for the front door and I knock.

Mom answers and greets us.

We go in and see dad playing with their children.

"Hey dad.

I already told Brent what the significance of the pawprint is.


"No, it's good that you did.

Saved me the trouble." He says, standing up.

"Alright, Brent.

Let's step outside for a bit."

We went to the front yard and dad had Brent stand in front of him while facing away.

"Okay, now.

Let's see what we're working with..."

He puts his hand on Brent's back, between the shoulder blades and tells him to hold his arms out in front of him.

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