One Night Together

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He was the leader of the revolution, fighting for equal rights for the poor. He was tall with wavy blonde hair and blue eyes, his signature red jacket buttoned tight around his middle. She was a lonely street gamine, unloved and uncared for. She was clad in a fraying long skirt and a stolen men's shirt far too big for her, and there were no shoes on her small dirty feet. A brown cap covered her long tawny hair. She was the epitome of what he was fighting for.

But they did not get along, not one bit. Enjolras was uptight, serious and focused. He hated being aggravated - as if Grantaire doesn't annoy him enough. He was all about hard work and studying and he wanted to make a change in people's lives for the better. Éponine was carefree and joyous. She lived a tough life out on the streets, but had learnt not to dwell on the past and instead made the most of whatever situation she found herself in. She didn't have any long term goals like Enjolras did; she wanted to live spontaneously. Manners were not important to her and she would make crude jokes constantly, much to the amusement of Les Amis.

"Bonsoir, Enjolras." she strode into the café late one night when everyone but he had gone home.

"Hello, Éponine. What do you want?" he said nonchalantly without looking up from his book. "Make it quick, I'm busy."

Éponine gasped fakely, pretending to be hurt by his harsh words. "But Monsieur, I was just saying hello!" she said playfully, much to Enjolras' annoyance. "By any chance, have you seen my brown cap?"

Enjolras sighed and got up from his table. He could use a break after all. "When did you last see it?"

"I don't know... upstairs, maybe?" Éponine wondered aloud. She started to mount the creaking stairs and Enjolras dutifully followed.

"Ah crap," Éponine swore under her breath. "We forgot to bring a candle."

"I'll go get one," Enjolras called up to her, already halfway down the stairs.

A few minutes later, he reappeared with a small tealight. He held it up, expecting to see Éponine, but she was nowhere in sight.

"Éponine?" he called, holding up the candle. "Éponine, where did you go?" His voice echoed into the empty darkness. The tealight flickered out and he stiffened as he felt a cool breeze brush against his hand.

Enjolras opened his mouth to scream but the fear took the sound away before it even left him. A dark hooded figure flew towards him and a blood-curdling holler came from it. Enjolras couldn't move. He couldn't scream. Couldn't run.

Demons are real after all!!!

Is this what I get for plotting to overthrow the government?!

This is how I will die. What a way to go...

Thoughts collided with each other within his mind as he panicked. Enjolras couldn't tear his eyes away from the demon here to kill him.

A/N: Ooh cliffhanger...
Sorry about lack of updates :(

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