Someone Like Him cont.

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So I decided I couldn't finish that last oneshot like that! Here's a second part, enjoy :)

"I wish there was someone like you." Éponine mumbled into Enjolras' chest. Then it hit her, harder than a speeding freight train. She had an epiphany.

"That's it," she whispered, lifting her head. "How did I not see it before?"

"Éponine, is everything alright?" Enjolras asked worriedly.

"Everything's fine. Everything is wonderful!" Éponine cried gleefully.

"Would you like to explain why?" Enjolras pressed on tentatively. He thought Éponine was delirious.

"Enjolras," Éponine shifted her position to face him. She looked into his clear blue eyes, full of concern and care. For her. "Enj, I think you're the one for me. You're considerate, kind, caring, sweet, loving, strong, brave, sensitive, everything I would ever ask for and more. And you're not too good to be true. Enjolras, you truly are perfect."

Éponine slowly leant in, her face getting closer to Enjolras'. Her heart beat faster and her eyes fluttered closed... Éponine shook herself, embarrassed. "Oh I'm sorry, Enj. I shouldn't have, I-"

She was cut off in the most unexpected way possible. By Enjolras putting his lips against hers. She froze for a second, then kissed him back tenderly. Sparks flew and fireworks exploded inside her and she reached up to tangle her fingers in Enjolras' curly blonde hair. They pulled away, panting.

"I cannot tell you how long I've waited to do that," Enjolras breathed, his hand on her cheek.

"Y-you've loved me all this time?" Éponine asked in disbelief.

"I think I fell in love with you when we first met," Enjolras confessed ruefully.

"Oh, Enj, I'm so sorry. I don't know how I could have been so blind; you were right in front of me! Argh, I'm so-" she was cut off by another kiss.

"It's alright. You're here with me now," Enjolras smiled. He wrapped both arms around Éponine and she relished his warmth, pulling up the blanket.



"I-I love you."

"I love you too, Ép."

Enjolras held Éponine tightly. He finally had the only girl he had ever loved in his arms; he wasn't going to let go anytime soon.

Éponine x EnjolrasWhere stories live. Discover now