Chapter 1

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~ Amelia POV~

School started 1 week ago. Ugh. The only thing that makes this somewhat bearable is Noah. Everything else sucks. The popular girls bullying me, the rude ass teachers, the somewhat okay food, and the boring and worthless classes. At least this is the last yr of highschool. After that then the fuck with everything else.

I walk into school wearing my normal crop top and leggings. When I walk in I see the 6'1, lean but strong, brown hair, shiny blue eyes, bright smile, guy and my best friend Noah. He comes up to me with a smile and waves to me and I force a smile.

"Hey Amelia! For the first time you are early today?" Noah smirks as he speaks to me. I am also always late. I wake up super late and despise getting on the bus, so I always walk. I then see him glance at the bruises on my arms and I know he is thinking about asking, but my answer will be the same as always, I just fell on accident. Which was a total lie, but hey? What he doesn't know can't hurt him, right?

My eyes turn to slits and I glare at him in annoyance, then I shake my head and laugh quietly. I respond with a somewhat annoyed tone "Well that's what happened when your parents buy a puppy for the first time and force you to wake up to take THEIR puppy to the bathroom"

Noah chuckles and elbows me playfully "Seems like someone isn't happy about it"

I shake my head then lightly elbow him. "Come on, we have to go to class"

We walk to class like normal with my hand in his and us teasing each other about everything. We get to class and take our seats. I sigh and think to myself "Well, this is going to be boring asf.... Language arts.... the worst subject ever created. I can't understand how anyone would like this"

*Time skip to after class*

I walk out of the classroom with Noah right behind me. That's what I see..... I sigh. The popular sluts. They hate me and always bully me. Luckily, Noah always helps me. I turn to him and I see he is glaring at them. The girls come up to us with smirks on their face. Their leader, Akira, stops in front of us with her hands on her hips and a big smirk.

"Oh that's so cute. They always hang out together.... Doesn't he know he shouldn't be hanging out with someone as ugly as you? Come on. He's the hottest guy in this school but he lowers himself by hanging out with you of all people" Akira speaks. You can tell she wants him to hang out w her because she is a slut, a whore, and a bitch. What else would she want? She has been laid by almost every guy in this school, so ofc she is coming for Noah next.

Noah and I just walk away, knowing if we say something we will get in trouble. She always twists up our words and reports us to the principal, and we don't have a say about it because Akira's mom is the vice principal. I walk away w an annoyed look to hide my real emotions. She's right.. I think to myself. Noah is definitely the hottest guy here, and I am not even close to being as pretty as Akira. Why hasn't he gotten a gf yet? He probably will get one soon... That thought hurt me badly. I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

I didn't notice anything around me and Noah grabbed my hand to stop me. He spoke up "What's bothering you, Amelia? You have had your head down and haven't even talked to me?" I respond in an annoyed tone, trying to hide what I was thinking "I'm fine. Let's head to lunch" 

I could sense he still had a questioning gaze on me but he let it go and we went to lunch. We sat at our normal table and that is when my other friend, Lucy, came up and sat across from us with a big smile. "OMG guys guess what just happened!" She was practically squealing with excitement. Noah and I look at each other in confusion then ask in unison "What?" 

She keeps a big smile on her face as she speaks quickly "My bf just invited me to go on a trip to Hawaii!!! I am leaving in two days!" 

Once again Noah and I look at each other and scream at the same time "TWO DAYS?!"

She laughs and nods. Then her bf, Luke,  came over and sat down pulling her onto his lap. She giggled and leaned back so she was resting against him. I glanced at Noah and a thought came to my mind... What if one day.... NO. It can never happen. Even if he ever got feelings for me, it could never happen. I blush slightly and look away. I stand up to excuse myself from the table to head to the restroom and clear my thoughts. "I'll be right back" I say and walk away. I  feel their questioning gaze on me but I ignore it and walk away.

~Noah POV~ 

I stare at her as she walks away. Why is she going away so suddenly? I turn my head to Luke and Lucy and we all look at each other w a confused gaze. I sigh and shake my head to clear my thoughts. I then smile and ask them "So in 2 days, huh? In 2 days y'all will be going on the trip?"

They nod and I smile as I start to plan something... in two days... it will be a Saturday... I could ask Amelia to come w me to the park, head to her house that night for a sleep over, then I could confess to her. 

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