Chapter 4

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~Noah's POV~

I haven't eaten for the past 2 days until school again on Monday. I haven't seen Amelia since Saturday, the night she rejected me. I walk into school and see her coming towards me. She looks super nervous. My heart breaks seeing her like this, but at the same time I am filled with anger. Why did she have to reject me so rudely? I was so depressed when I got home I locked my door and didn't do anything.

She comes up and stutters as she speaks "N-noah... l-listen" I cut her off by glaring at her and saying "Don't talk to me. again." I try to walk away. I made it about 5 steps then she grabbed my hand. "Noah please listen-" I cut her off again. "Shut the fuck up. Go away Amelia. I have new friends I am going to hang out with, and I can't keep them waiting."

I saw how she looked at me in confusion and I walked away. I walked up and saw the popular girls, more specifically Akira, smirking at me. I smirk too and walk up to them. "Hey cuties. I know it took me a while for me to come to my senses, but I finally decided to hang out with all of y'all." 

I see Akira and the other girls smile widely and nod "Well about time you left that bitch. You know, she was kinda just too boring, yk? But don't worry, we know how to make men happy. Just because she doesn't, doesn't mean we don't know how to deal guys" She smirked and ran her hand along my arm softly, sending shivers down my whole body. This felt so wrong, but I need to get Amelia out of my mind. 

I smile and lean down to whisper into her ear "I think we are going to enjoy this a lot"

~Amelia POV~

When he walked away and when I saw him go talk to the popular girls, I wanted to scream. I saw red when I saw her touch him and the way they were smirking at each other. No.... No. God why am I not be with the one guy I liked and that actually liked me too?! I think of my parents and sigh. Right. Them.

I walk away into the opposite direction, unable to stand seeing them together. 

I head to class and absently stare out the window. My thoughts were on Noah. Maybe if I try talking to him- Then the teacher calls my name in an annoyed tone and interrupted my thoughts... rude "Amelia. Did you hear anything of what I just said?"

I turn back to her and shake my head. I respond meekly. "I'm sorry Mrs. Smith. I will pay attention now" She mumbled something under her breath about how she doesn't get paid enough to deal with children that don't pay attention. Excuse me?! Even though I hate school, I always pay attention?! Wtf? I take a deep breath to calm myself and sigh.

I pay attention to the class the whole time... haha that's a lie. Anyway I was actually acting as if I was paying attention, but I actually didn't have a damn clue what she was talking about. I was spaced out and my mom was thinking a lot. What if he hates me? Never talks to me again? Gosh I wish I could have said yes, but if I did my parents- My thoughts were cut short my the bell ringing loudly.

I got up and sighed. I normally hang out w Noah, but not today. And Lucy is out of town with her boyfriend so I have no one else to talk to really. Then, I freeze. I see the popular girls coming my way with the biggest smile ever. They come up to me and cross their arms. Halley, one of the other girls, spoke up first "So, I guess he finally came to his senses. He joined us, and guess what? Now he's officially dating Akira."

I was about to walk away, until I heard that. Ohhhh bitches you shouldn't have said that. I turn towards them and glare at them. I raise my voice "You whores. You never care about any of the guys you hook up with. Your only goal in life is to get laid by as many guys as possible. You think you are good? HA! Think again. Y'all are nothing but a group full of whores and bitches, trying to ruin any one's life that you think is a threat to you!" 

They obviously weren't expecting that, but they glare at me and Akira slapped my face hard. "Don't say that! At least we have someone who is willing to touch us, unlike you. You had a chance for someone but you wrecked it. And now he hates you" The way she said "he hates you" with such a victorious and cruel smile made me snap. I smacked her back.

We end up getting in fight and start pulling each other's hair, punching, scratching, kicking, and everything you can think of. Finally Noah came over and saw this. Him and the other girls pull us apart. We were both fighting against them as they pulled us apart, trying to get to the other.

Noah was holding me back while the girls held Akira back. We were both yelling mean things to each other

"Your tits are too flat!"

Finally Noah let go of me and I was fuming. He went over to AKIRA to check to see if SHE was okay?! WTF?! I glare at them and cross my arms. She screamed at me "Go back to your house to rot, bitch" I was fuming but Noah turned and glared at me "Look what you did to her!"

I go speechless for a moment then scream "HER?! Ehem excuse me but what about what happened to ME?! She attacked ME first!?" He shook his head. "Yea? And? You still hurt her badly! Go back to your class and do not come near her again"

I stood there then turned away. I kept my head high, not going to show what I was truly feeling. I mean... at least I hurt her more than she hurt me. Even if the only thing I can feel right now is the pain from his words and from seeing him take her side. Once I was out of sight, I found an empty class room where I knew no one would go, and I collapsed to the ground and cried my eyes out.

I huddle against the wall and hug my knees to my chest as I kept my head covered. Why? Why did I have to have such awful parents that could never let me date the ONE guy I ever loved? And now he hates me.

I stayed there crying for a long time; then went on the rest of the day without speaking to anyone or seeing Noah and the popular girls.

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