Chapter 14

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~Noah's POV~

I sit on the couch where everyone in my family is lined up, waiting for me to speak. I take a deep breath and say softly. "Her parents are very abusive." I said , not caring to sugar coat it or take forever to explain it.  My entire family is completely silent and watching me as I speak.

"I didn't know till today. She told me that Akira was cheating on me, which I already knew, and I was so mad because I thought she didn't care and that it was none of her business. She confessed to me, but she thought I hated her so she ran away right after. I chased after her and made her tell me everything. She told me she has been abused by her parents since she was 2. Remember when she would come over with some bruises but always just insisted she fell down?" I ask and my entire family nods. "That was her trying to make an excuse because if she ever told someone she was abused, she would have gotten in a lot more trouble."

My older brother adds in before I continued. "But what I still don't understand is.. why did she reject you in the beginning? Why did she not become your girlfriend? She could've been your girlfriend without you knowing about the abuse, if she has hidden it and kept it a secret for so long?" 

I sigh and nod. "Yea she could have, but her parents have always hated me for some reason, and told her to never date or confess to me. Ever. With threats of her being beaten up badly and possibly me getting hurt." My entire family has wide eyes and my younger sister says. "Why do people do things like that?" 

I shake my head and shrug. "I don't know. It is beyond me." Everyone is silent for a long time and we hear Amelia call for me faintly and her voice is super hoarse. I stand up and look at my mom, wondering if I am done explaining things to them. My mom shakes her head. "One second. Why did her parents beat her up this time? If just this afternoon she confessed to you, how would they have known?" 

I shrug and speak as I walk away towards my room with Amelia in it. "I don't know, but I am going to ask her." I walk into my room and see she is awake but she is barely able to open her right eye while her left eye is completely shut. When I see her in my shirt though, in my bed, I can't help but smile softly to myself. Gosh she is so hot in my shirt. Even with cuts and bruises, she looks so hot with my shirt on.

~Amelia's POV~ 

I called for Noah but my voice was still hoarse. I wasn't sure he heard me calling for him with how hoarse my voice is, but when he walked in a few moments later I knew he did. I see him smile faintly and I say quietly. "What are you.. smiling about?"

He chuckles and sits on the edge of the bed while placing his hand on my cheek softly. He spoke up after a moment. "Just thinking about how hot you look in my shirt." I feel myself blush and look away.

After a few seconds he gets serious though and gently turns my face so I look at him. "But I am still curious... why did your parents do this to you? What reason did that have? There's no way they could have known you told me you liked me and about the abuse since you told me just this afternoon?"

I sigh and speak quietly. "They only knew that I told you." He asks "But how?" I say quickly. "Akira. She saw us..." I get a bit shy when I say this. I say really quietly. "Kissing..."

He chuckles and says softly. "We were doing a little more then kissing, Amelia." I blush and don't respond. I continue with my sentence. "She took pictures and posted them, saying you were a cheater. My parents saw the pics." I take a deep breath and continue. "When I got home my parents asked me to tell you off again and to never talk to you again. I told them I couldn't do that, so they did this."

He nods in understanding and I see him look mad. I slowly lift my hand and rest it on his hand that is still on my cheek. "What is it? Why do you seem mad?" Without responding he smashes his lips on mine. He kisses me, but in a very possessive and angry way. I pull back because my lip was cut and it hurt badly. 

I see him pull back and cover his face with his hands. I heard him groan in frustration and I whisper softly. "Noah... what was that? Why-" I didn't even finish and he started talking. "I just am so mad your parents could do something like this to you. How could any parent treat their child badly? You are the person they are supposed to protect, not you having to be protected from them. This.. " He shakes his head and groans. "This is just so messed up."

He sighs and lies down next to me, but he doesn't touch me. He stays there looking up at the ceiling for a long time and I stay silent. Finally I whisper "It is messed up, but there is nothing we can do about it to change them. And hey, at least I have you." I smile faintly, ignoring the pain.

He turns to his side and props himself up with his elbow. He smiles faintly at me and nods. He speaks very quietly. "You are right... And I am very happy you are here and I can help you." This time he leans in and kisses me, but very tenderly and softly. I close my eyes and kiss him softly back, careful not to hurt myself.

He pulls back after a few seconds and lies back on his back. He checks his phone and sighs. "It's 10 pm.. we should probably be going to bed." I nod and we started lifting up to covers for him to go underneath, but as if on cue his mom comes in and gives him a warning look.

"Noah." She spoke and he stopped what he was doing. "I told you, you are either going to sleep in your brother's room, or you are going to bring a mattress in here and sleep on the floor. We can't move her because of her condition, and I am definitely not going to let you sleep with her. Only God knows what you two would do in the middle of the night." She rolls her eyes.

I feel my face turn red from the thought and look at Noah. He didn't seem too thrilled about it but he nodded. "Yes ma'am. And I will be sleeping in here. I'll bring a mattress." She nods and walks out. He walked out too and comes back with a mattress that he set on the floor.

I giggle and tease. "Yes Noah. Sleep on the floor. I get this entire bed to myself." I see him shake his head in annoyance. "And I will sleep here comfortably." I tease one more time and he sticks his tongue out at me. I laugh softly, but even laughing hurts my ribs badly.

He spoke up. "Yea yea, but as soon as you are better, I will be up there next to you.Just a warning, because I have had to stay away from you for so long I don't know how much longer I'll be able to control myself." He smirked. I look away as I feel my cheeks turn red, knowing what he was talking about.

I spoke up quietly. "Y-yea.. g-good night.." He chuckles and nods. "Goodnight." He says before he lies down on the mattress and falls asleep. I fell asleep after a bit, but it wasn't a good sleep. every time I moved it hurt. I was awake for most of the night and couldn't stand it. After a long time I get somewhat comfy and fall asleep. 

~Noah's POV~

I feel asleep, but I woke up when I heard her tossing and turning for a long time. When I heard she was finally sleeping peacefully and her breath slowed down, I stood up. I walked over and smile softly. I brush my hand over her cheek and give her a light kiss on the lips, without waking her up.

I go over and lie back down on the mattress on the floor and think to myself for a long time. "Gosh I just wish I could sleep next to her. As soon as she is better, I don't care what my mom says I am going to, at least once, sleep with her. I don't know if I will fuck her, but definitely sleep next to her with her in my arms... I hate what her parents did to her though. They will for sure pay for this. For hurting their only child and causing her so much pain, they will pay.

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