Chapter 6

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~Amelia's POV~ (Been 4 days since Noah and Akira fucked each other, but Amelia doesn't know)

I walk into school.... it's been so long since I have talked to Noah. I sigh as I walk into school with my head down, as normal. Well... normal ever since Noah stopped hanging out with me or talking to me. 

I was into school and my thoughts are just blank. They have been ever since I lost all hope that he will talk to me. 

I walk into class and completely blank out the whole time. "Why do I have to have such terrible parents? They never let me do anything I want to, and now it is killing me." 

I was so lost in my thoughts the bell rang, signalling lunch. I slowly get up and walk out. I walk to the lunch room, and I see.... FINALLY! LUCY IS BACK! 

I run up to her and hug her tightly. "Omg I am so happy you are back! Your trip took way too long." I frowned.

She giggles  as she hugs me back and squeals "I know, I know but I am so happy to be back! Hey... where is Noah?" At that comment, I let go of her and look at the ground as tears come into my eyes.

She looks at me with concern in her eyes and puts her hands on my shoulders. "Amelia? What is wrong?" I break down and tell her all of it.

"A little over a month ago Noah and I were hanging out, as normal. He came over to my house and it was just a normal night... until he confessed to me." I pause and her eyes go wide. I take a deep breath and continue. "I rejected him..." I close my eyes and wait for the inevitable...

"WHAT?! YOU DID WHAT?!" She screamed... Yep. I knew she was gonna do that. I take a deep breath. "I had to. I didn't have a choice." No one knows yet why I didn't have a choice.. I can't tell Lucy... I don't know what she might do if she knew. 

"Why not? I know you like him?! I am going to go talk to him-" I grab her hand as she was about to walk away and I shake my head quickly. "No... no no no. You can't do that. He is dating Akira now. He wouldn't understand if I told him I had to reject him. Please." I beg. 

She sighs then looks at me compassionately and speaks. "Okay. I won't. But only if you tell me why you rejected him, when I know you liked him." I take a deep breath and explain it all to her on why I have to reject him. (Okay don't get mad at me, but I can't tell y'all yet?! Are you kidding?! You will have to wait a bit longer my children)

She looks at me with wide eyes and takes a long and deep breath once I finish. Her voice is hoarse. "That.. that is terrible.. You need to tell someone! And you've kept it a secret for 15 YEARS?! Since you were TWO?! Girl- no." I quickly shake my head and my eyes go wide. "NO! You can't tell anyone! It wouldn't just be me that would get in 'trouble'." 

She sighs and shakes her head. "You can't keep it a secret forever, Amelia." I shake my head and respond firmly "Yes. Yes I can."

She can see how determined I am on this so she sighs and nods sadly. "You really shouldn't, but I guess I can't force you to do anything." I nod and turn to see... I sigh. Noah and Akira. Her arms are around him and he has his arm around her shoulder. They are laughing about something. I feel a lot of jealousy, anger, and self-hatred. 

I make eye contact with Akira and see her smirk, then with Noah and I see his glare. I turn away, grab Lucy's hand, and walk to the other side of the cafeteria. I sit down at a table with her and don't speak. There is silence for about 5 minutes then finally she speaks up. "He hates you now... doesn't he?" 

I nod silently and continue eating. "You need to explain it to him. Then he will understand." She said softly. I turn my head to her and raise my voice. I didn't mean to, but I couldn't hold it in anymore. "No! I won't tell him! It is fucking killing me already! If I tell him and he still hates me then I am just going to fucking end it all! Find a damn gun and do it!" (you got your suicidal statement Bella <3. Those last two sentences dedicated to your wish.)

Everyone.... and I mean everyone turned to stare at us. I stand up and walk out of there without showing any emotion on my face. Lucy is speechless. After I walk out of the cafeteria I see her stand up and rush towards me. Once we are out of there, everyone goes back to eating.

~Noah's POV~

What... what was that? Why did she just yell? I have never, in my 12 years of being friends with her, heard her sounds that angry and depressed before. What happened? And did she say... she was going to end it all and find a gun? Wait.... wtf?!

I think about this for a long time and zone out. Finally Akira grabs my arm and shakes me a bit. She sounds a bit irritated. "Babeeeeeee! Have you ever heard what I have been talking about?" 

I look at her and shake my head in pretend repentance, but on the inside I was super annoyed. I say calmly. "Sorry. What were you talking about again?"

She takes a deep breath and I can tell she is annoyed. "Okay. I was talking about the new purse I saw on Michele earlier. Can you believe she got that ugly ass thing?! I mean come on! I know she isn't as rich as me but she should at least be able to buy a decent looking purse." She makes a disgusted face. 

Wow. I think to myself. Could she be any more shallow? Amelia was never this shallow. She wouldn't waste her time on what other people were doing. She didn't talk about her "friends" behind their backs like Akira-. I stop myself. Dude wtf is wrong with you?! Akira is your girlfriend. Stop thinking about fucking Amelia. She had her chance and she doesn't like me. She rejected me in a very rude way. Get her out of your mind! I failed every time though.

I turn back and nod to Akira. "Oh yea. That's crazy" I speak absently. She is clearly annoyed I am not paying attention. She stands up and walks away. As soon as she walks away I sigh. Finally.

~Amelia POV~

I run into the gym and sit on the bleachers. Not long after Lucy comes in. She runs up to me and sits next to me quietly. I don't look at her. She finally speaks softly. "I-i'm... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kept pestering you about it." 

I look at her sadly and shake my head. "I shouldn't have yelled. I'm really sorry, Lucy."

She nods and she hugs me tightly, trying to help me... and herself... calm down. I am so lucky I at least have one friend that understands why I cannot be with Noah. That feels like a huge weight off of my chest.

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