Chapter 9

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~Noah's POV~

What... what was that red mark on her face? Why did she face a red mark on her face? It was also so bruised... What happened to her?! I feel myself start to feel kinda angry then I hear Akira whispering to her friends

"I bet she tried to fuck with one of the teachers so she could get extra credit because she was failing. Then he slapped her because he would never think to fuck with her ugly ass" Her and her friends start snickering among themselves.

I roll my eyes and ignore them. Although I want to forget about Amelia and want to stop caring about her, I still do. I still do like her and can't stop thinking about her. Damn it. what is wrong with me though? Why can't I stop thinking about her?! I sigh and shake my head to clear my thoughts.

I walk away from Akira to go back to my seat but she grabs my arm. "HEYYY come on, babe." When she said babe I cringed on the inside. "Where are you going?" I respond in an irritated tone "To class" she glares when she hears my irritated tone. "Fine then. Go." She says in a harsh tone. I roll my eyes. "Yea okay." I respond.

I walk away then feel bad with the way I was talking to her, even if she is super mean. I turn around to apologize but I see her and.... AARON?! KISSING?! I shake my head in disgust. Although I knew she was a cheater, I never thought Aaron, my friend, would do that to me. I walked away, really frustrated. I already knew she was cheating on me, I just didn't know it was with Aaron.

I walk away and see Amelia and Lucy coming out of the girl's restroom. It's been about 30 minutes since she ran out of the cafeteria... and they are just now coming out of the restroom? I see Amelia's eyes are red and it looks like she has been crying. The red mark is gone though, but I can tell it's because there is make up covering it.

For the first time in about a month and a half Amelia and I make eye contact and I am not glaring at her. Looking kinda concerned but then I turned away from her. Come on man. You need to get her out of your mind.

~Amelia's POV~

When I walk out of the bathroom I stop dead in my tracks when I see Noah looking at me. Oh no. Is he going to make fun of me? Ask what happened? What if he- my thoughts stop when he turns around and walks the opposite direction.

I sigh with relief and look at Lucy. She hugs me then we walk to our next class.

~Time skip to after class because I don't really feel like typing about the class~

Akira was in this class as well. I was about to leave when I noticed a guy walking in and he walks right up to her and- WTF?! Did they just.... did they just kiss? B-but... she is dating NOAH?!

I take a deep breath and walk out of the classroom. It isn't my business. It was his choice to date her. It is not up to me if she cheats or if he dates her or not. I shake my head and find my friend I have not talked to in a long time, Sophia.

I smile and wave to her. "Hey. How are you doing?" She shrugs "I'm doing okay. I am just looking for my boyfriend, Aaron." I freeze and stop walking when she says that... like... wasn't that the guy that was kissing Akira???

My eyes go wide and I look at her for a moment, not knowing what to say. "U-uhmm... y-you m-might wanna look i-in that class room" I say hesitantly. She looks at me curiously then nods and walks into the classroom.

I wait then hear her yell "Aaron! Wtf?! Why are you.... why are you fucking kissing AKIRA?! EXCUSE ME?!" I sigh. That is so fucking messed up. I walk over and see the look of shock on Aaron's face and... ugh.. and the smirk on Akira's face.

Akira walks up to her. "Oh come on honey. It's okay. He just liked my body better." Sophia looks at her and says bitterly. "Body?! So. it wasn't just a kiss today then, was it?!" Akira looks in pretend innocence. "Oh... you didn't know? Well, you caught us. No, it was way more then just today, and definitely wasn't just a kiss."

Sophia glares at Aaron then walks stomps out of the room. I sigh. "I'm so sorry that happened." She calms down and sighs. "Honestly I didn't even like him. I was going to break up with him later, but I am just mad he cheated on me like that. And with Akira of all people. She is just a bitch and a slut."

I nod. "Yes, she is. She is a big jerk, but he's making a huge mistake going with someone like her instead of you. You are way better then her. At least you have good morals. She has no morals at all. She has so many guys ride her might as well call her the public bicycle."

She laughs and nods. "Yes. That is some true facts. Okay well I am going to head home. Nice seeing you and thank you for showing me that he was cheating on me with that disgusting whore." I smile and nod. "Of course. Any time. I really hate Akira."

We part ways and after 5 minutes I see Aaron run out, seems like he is in a hurry. I wonder if he is going to talk to Sophia- Whatever. It isn't my business. I go on my phone and check the time.

Shit it's already 4:45. I need to head home. I walk outside but the nagging feeling I need to tell Noah that she is cheating on him is still haunting me. It isn't any of my business. I shouldn't care. But I do care... a lot. I can't stop thinking about it.

I walk to my car and stop when I see... I sigh... Aaron and Sophia kissing in her car. Well, she did tell me a long time ago she loved him. I think she was lying when she said about 20 min ago she didn't like him.

Anyway I get in my car and head home, but the feeling that I need to tell Noah is still haunting me. When I get home I text Lucy. "Hey Lucy! I have a question I want to ask you in person. Can we meet up at the icecream shop nearby?"

I'm waiting for a response... 1 minute goes by.... 3 minutes go by.... 4 and a half minutes go by... 7 minutes go by.... Gosh how long till she responds? (Yes, my impatient mind is annoying BUT I NEED TO TALK TO HER, OKAY?!) Finally after 8 minutes she responds. "Sure of course. See you soon." I sigh. Finally. Took her long enough to respond.

We go to the ice cream shop and I hug her as soon as I see her. "Okay. So I saw Aaron and Akira kissing earlier." She stops and her jaw drops. She stays silent though and I continue. "I saw it and I know they have been hanging out a lot, but Akira is dating Noah.... I feel like I should tell him, but I'm not sure if I should or not."

She nods and I pause for a second to take a deep breath before I continue. "I think for one second, 'Well it's what a good friend would do' but then I think 'Well it's his choice who he dates. He knew she was bad and he didn't care.' I don't know what to do?!"

We sit down and she thinks for a long moment then sighs. "Honestly it is up to you. I personally think you should tell him. Even if he hates you, he should at least know if she is cheating on him. But really quick, what do you think you should do? Do you actually still care?"

I nod quickly. "Hell yes I still care..... I don't want to but yes, I do." She nods and continues speaking softly. "Okay, well I think you should then." I sigh and nod. "Okay... I will tomorrow"

She grins and squeals "Finally you will go up and fucking talk to him!" I roll my eyes. "ONLY to tell him that she is cheating on him. Nothing. Else." She now rolls her eyes. "Yea yea sure whatever."

We both have some icecream and laugh a couple times then I head home. I think to myself for a long time into the middle of the night. "Okay... tomorrow at school... I will tell him... No backing out of this."

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