Chapter 8

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~Amelia's POV~ ~A couple days later. It is a Thursday~

I wake up from my restless night of sleep. Wow... it's only 6 am. I groan and cover my face with a pillow. I think to myself. "One more hour of sleep...just...o-one... " I start to fall back asleep... "M-more.... hour" I fall back asleep again

I have been off and on in my sleep all night long. A wake for a bit, fell asleep, 30 min later I would wake up. It was probably the worst night's rest I have ever had. Well.... yes probably. Ever since the day I rejected Noah (About a month and a half ago) I have not been able to sleep well, but this has been the worst night yet.

I fell asleep and was finally able to rest, when I heard my mom come into my room and bang on the door. "Amelia! If you don't wake up right now, and you are late for school, you are going to lose your phone for a week and we will have to have a long conversation on why you can't fucking be late to school if you live under this roof!"

I jump out of bed and check the time. Shit! It's already 7:20. If I do not leave within the next 10 min I will be late. "shit shit shit shit shit" I whisper under my breath as I start getting ready. Our puppy now slept down stairs in my parents room, so that was a relief. I don't have to take him out. I get ready as quickly as I can but I don't have time to put my makeup on. 

I rush downstairs where my mom has her arms crossed and looking at me angerly. "You better get going right now young lady or you will be late and there will be consequences." I nod quickly and mumble. "I'm sorry. I was up almost all night last night and wasn't able-" I was cut off my a slap across my face.

"No excuses! Either you are ready on time or you are not! There are zero excuses!" I nod quickly, mumble and apology, and run out the door to my car. I look in the mirror and see the red mark. Damn it. I won't have time to cover this up with make up as well. 

I just hope no one pays attention to me and ignores me. I shake my head, no. Lucy will for sure notice. And the popular girls will without a doubt make fun of me.

I drive to school and walk in with my head down. I see Lucy and hope she doesn't see me. I walk in the other direction but I sigh when she calls my name. "Amelia! Hey how are you?" She speaks in her normal cheerful tone.

I walk up to her with my head down and as soon as I lift my head she gasps. "W-who..." She pauses and sighs sadly. "Your parents." I nod and whisper. "My mom. Of course" She shakes her head and responds with a bit of an irritated tone. "You can't keep this a secret forever. Your parents abuse you. You need to tell someone.." I shake my head. "No! I told you that day in the cafeteria I cannot tell anyone. Now I need to go to the bathroom to cover this red mark with makeup. Be right back." 

And with that I hurry to the bathroom with my head down. I make it to the bathroom and pull out my makeup bag. I start putting my make up on to hide the side mark on my cheek. Once I finish I walk out of the bathroom with a sigh. Okay. Now no one will know.

I walk into class with Lucy and we were talking a bit until the teacher came in. We shut up immediately and started listening to the most boring teacher ever. English glass... he speaks in a monotone voice the whole time, then give us stupid ass assignments like "diagram these twenty sentences. make sure to add the subject, verb, adjectives, adverbs, indirect objects, direct objects, prepositions, and everything else.

We finish the work and finally the bell rings. Lucy and I stand up and walk to our next class.

~time skip to lunch~ 

FINALLY. We have lunch. I walk in with Lucy and we find out seats and Luke comes and joins us. He smiles and pulls Lucy onto his lap. I look away, remembering Noah. That could've been us... if I didn't have such terrible parents.

~flashback to about 6 months ago~

I walk into the house and see my parents. I try to avoid them after the beating I got this morning. But it didn't work. My mom brings me to the couch. I know they have always disliked Noah, but I never knew to what extent. My parents threaten me and say if I ever confess to him and date him, I will get a beating. I am used to that, but then my dad added. "And he will get a beating he will never forget. People like him can't be close to this family. He is probably no different from his parents." 

What did they mean by that? I whisper. "W-why... why can't I be with Noah? I doubt he likes me... but why can't I be even if he did?" My dad slaps me across the face "Do not question us young lady! Gosh honey can you believe we raised someone so disrespectful?!" He says in a harsh tone.

My mom shakes her head. "Unacceptable." She says bitterly then she smacks me as well and I fall to the floor. My lip bleeding because when she hit me I cut my lip on my teeth . "That is nothing compared to what will happen if you ever confess or date him" I nod quickly and run upstairs. 

I spit out the blood, but it doesn't stop. After 10 minutes it finally stops, then I collapse on my bed and start crying. But one thing I know for sure is even if he likes me, I can never tell him how I feel. Can not risk him ever getting hurt, even if it tears me apart.

~Flashback ends~

I sigh, that is definitely a day I do not like to remember. I force a smile though, for Lucy's sake, and tease them a bit. "Y'all are the cutest couple ever. I can't wait till y'all get married in about 3 years. It will be adorable." 

Lucy slaps my hand playfully but then looks away and blushes. Luke chuckles and tightens his grip around Lucy. "I know. I am really excited as well.the second I turn 20 I will be purposing." Lucy turns her head to him in shock "Wait... are you serious?!" She says in an excited voice.

He nods and they both laugh. Then they kiss for a few moments then turn back to me with a smile. I giggle. "I am happy for y'all and definitely can not wait."

We start eating and soon we finish our food. We stand up to go put our trays away, but of course Akira and her gang have to be there. They smirk as they see me and they pretend to chat among themselves. "Can you believe I got Noah? I mean, it was obviously going to happen. I am so much prettier than her, I am a cheerleader while she is a book nerd, and she is just a nobody. And he is such a great guy to help warm my bed."

I turn to them with anger in my eyes and glare at them. I flip her off  and say to her. "Okay fine you have him you slut. But I know for a fact you are cheating on him and are sleeping with almost every guy in this school. The only reason your grades are decent is because you are sleeping with the teachers to get extra credit and not completely fail your classes." 

I said all of that in a very harsh tone and was about to walk away when she grabbed my arm and splashed the water from her cup in my face. I step back and look at myself. "Wtf?!" I yell at her.

She smirks and they were laughing then suddenly they stopped. I look over and see they are staring at me with wide eyes. I wonder "what is it?" I then see the water dropping off of me is like the color of my skin-

MY MAKEUP! Oh no no no no no. The makeup comes off and everyone can see the big red and slightly bruised mark on my cheek. I turned around and there was Noah.... he was glaring at me but then his whole face turned to a look of shock once he saw my cheek. I turn away from there and run away before the girls and maybe Noah could mess with me more.

I run into the bathroom and Lucy follows me. I started crying and saying "Now they saw it. what are they going to do now? Tease me, make my life more miserable, bring it up all the time, ask who did it and laugh?" Lucy comes in and hugs me and we sit there for a long time as she tries to comfort me.

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