Back at headquarters

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pov. Poe
I sat in my seat with one leg pulled up on the seat and held the Marauder's controls loosely in my hand. My eyes kept glancing at Omega. She was drumming her fingers on the controls in her hands at irregular intervals and chewing on a toothpick. The tattoo of the number 99 flashed across her temple.

I let my gaze wander a few steps behind me. Jason was sitting on the seat behind me with his arms folded, snoring quietly to himself. His black hair hung messily in his face. A smile crept onto my face. When he slept, he looked five years younger without all the worry lines on his face. Jason always worried about everyone. A quality I loved about him, but sometimes equally cursed when he threw himself into hopeless situations to help others.
My gaze swung back to Omega. She was staring absently into hyperspace.
As if she had sensed my gaze, she turned her head towards me. "What?" her usually calm voice was like a hiss.

I raised my hands "Nothing. It's just..." I ran a hand through my hair. I glanced quickly at the bunks, which were out of my field of vision. Quiet, steady breathing noises told me that our new arrival was still unconscious.

I didn't know what to think of him. Who knew if it wasn't a trap of the first order? After all, they were the only ones in the galaxy who still had knowledge of cloning after the Empire. But I couldn't tell Omega about my suspicions. She believed that one of her brothers had come back to her. And maybe that was the case. Perhaps the years I had spent fighting the First Order had made me paranoid and I saw enemies where there were none.
"Poe," Omega's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, " what's wrong with you, spit it out." She propped her left foot against the button panel, leaned her elbow on the controls and looked at me in challenge.

I sighed "I hate to say this" I started to tap my foot a little "but can we trust him?" I pointed my head in the direction where Kix was lying.
Omega tilted her head "What do you mean?" her hands gripped the controls in front of her tighter.

I thought for a moment before answering, "What if he's a First Order spy?"
The toothpick broke with a cracking sound. Omega had bitten down too hard. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath as if to calm herself "Kix has been through hell." she had gripped the controls so tightly that her knuckles turned white and glared angrily at me from her amber eyes "When he woke up, he called for Rex and for General Skywalker." she rubbed the tattoo on her temple "He's not a spy created by the First Order. He's a medic from the 501st."

I furrowed my brows in irritation. Why would a soldier of the Clone Wars call for General Luke Skywalker, he wasn't even born at the time "Why would he know Luke Skywalker?" I voiced my thoughts.

Omega groaned in frustration and rubbed her temples with her hands " Not Luke" she looked at me reproachfully, as if it was obvious "he was calling for his father, for Anakin Skywalker." Without looking, she pulled back the lever for the hyperdrive. The blue shimmering light of hyperspace disappeared and D'Qar appeared in front of us.
"Jason," I looked over my shoulder to make sure he was waking up. I didn't want him to be awakened by Omega's daring maneuvers.

My boyfriend startled out of his sleep "What's going on?" his hand moved almost automatically to the handle of his gun. A remnant from his time as a bounty hunter. He was an extremely light sleeper and if you woke him, you'd better keep your distance.
"We're on approach." I pointed with my head to the planet next to us.

Jason nodded, rubbed his eyes, yawning, and swapped his seat for the one by the sensors.
I was pressed into my seat a little as Omega flew a spiral and set course for the asteroid ring. I quickly took my foot off the seat and sat upright. During Omega's flight maneuvers, it was better to sit firmly in your seat, otherwise you would be thrown to the ground after five minutes at the latest.

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