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pov. Omega

"Come on," I held out my hand to Kix to help him up, "we should get out of here." Even though this planet was not important, it was still in the first order's territory. I didn't want to risk us staying here too long and running into one of their patrols.

The trooper gratefully took my outstretched hand and let me pull him up. But as soon as he was on his feet, they immediately buckled again. To avoid landing on the ground again immediately, he clung to my arm. I had to use all my strength to keep Kix on his feet and not land on the ground with him. Even though he had been trapped in this cryochamber for many years, he had hardly lost any of his original weight. "Guys, some help?" I looked at my two friends with a look of encouragement.

Jason nodded, walked over to us with two big steps and put Kix's other arm over his shoulder. With his free hand, he handed me my bow, which I stowed on my back, and my helmet, which I put on.

"It's all right, mate," Jason said reassuringly to Kix, who had tensed up again under his touch, "we'll get you out of here." His voice sounded a little muffled through his helmet.

Kix nodded weakly. I only hoped he would make it to the Marauder. Through all the sand and over the dunes. I started walking in unison with Jason in the direction of the exit. Poe walked a few paces ahead of us with his blaster drawn, scouting the path to make sure we weren't surprised by local scavengers. Kix tried to stay on his feet as best he could. But the further we went, the less successful he was. His breathing became heavier and heavier, as if he had a battle behind him.

After a few minutes, we arrived at the exit of the cruiser. Poe was already waiting for us and kept peering into the distance and up into the sky. His brow furrowed.

"What's going on?" Jason adjusted the arm on his shoulder and looked at his boyfriend questioningly through the visor of his helmet.

Poe tilted his head slightly to the side "I don't know. Just a gut feeling." His gaze flitted to the sky again, "But I don't like it, we should hurry." Without waiting for an answer, he left the cruiser, leaving deep imprints of his boots in the sand with his first step.

I bit my lower lip. Even though I found it hard to admit this, I should listen to Poe's gut feeling. It wasn't nearly as pronounced as it was with the Jedi. Poe was by no means Force-sensitive. But there had been one or two situations where Poe's intuition had saved our lives. I looked worriedly at Kix, who was in no shape to walk any faster.

The trooper seemed to have sensed my gaze and raised his head "I'll manage," he murmured quietly, looking resolutely out into the desert.

I had to smile slightly. I forgot about the fighting spirit in each of my brothers "It's not far." I assured Kix, nodded to Jason and pulled Kix out into the sun together with him.
A soft cry of pain escaped the brown-haired man as his eyes met the sunlight again after decades of darkness. Blinded, he squeezed his eyes shut and clung disorientedly to my shoulder. Before I could even think about how I could help him, I heard a hiss.
Jason had removed his helmet and was putting it over Kix's head. As always, when he took off his helmet, his black hair was sticking out of his head in a criss-cross pattern.
As soon as the helmet protected his sensitive eyes from the sunlight, Kix loosened his grip on my shoulder. "I'm sorry," he mumbled quietly through the helmet.

I looked at him sympathetically, "It's all right." After my time on Tantiss, I had often clung to my brothers with such strength after my nightmares that they would get bruises because I thought I was there again.

Suddenly seeing nothing must have reminded him of the cryochamber.
I nodded to Jason and we started to catch up to Poe. We didn't make it five steps before I heard a familiar sound in the distance. It was still quiet, barely audible. But it was unmistakably the sound of an approaching TIE fighter. Despite the heat of the desert surrounding me, I felt freezing cold. Beside me, Jason tensed and drew his blaster.
It was the first order. No one else flew fighters like this anymore. They were remnants of the Empire. But improved. The Empire's TIE fighters had no heavy weapons systems and no hyperdrive, the First Order's had both.

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