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pov. Poe 

I hurried through the corridors of our headquarters with quick steps. "How many times Jason, you don't have to come with me." I assured my partner, who was walking beside me and had spent the last twenty minutes trying to convince me that I shouldn't go on this mission alone.

 I stepped to the side to avoid a group of pilots who came towards me through the door to the landing bays. Their orange flight suits immediately stood out from the crowd. Some of them still had their helmets on their heads, others had them tucked under their arms. As soon as the men and women were through the door, I entered the landing bay and hurried towards my X-wing. Time was running out. Our informant was sure that the First Order was on his tail and needed an evacuation. 

"Poe, I have a really bad feeling about this." Jason looked at me worriedly.
I twisted my mouth into a gentle smile. "Jace, I'm just securing some information from one of our informants." I didn't tell him the truth that I had to exfiltrate our informant because the First Order was on his heels. It would only worry him more. I stopped and put both my hands on Jason's cheeks as he turned his head away doubtfully. "Nothing will happen to me," I promised him, turned around again and continued towards my plane. 

I heard the soft clinking of Jason's armor behind me as he caught up with me. But before he had caught up with me, I climbed up the ladder and dropped into the pilot's seat. Jason had now reached the X-wing and placed his right hand on the outside wall of the machine which was next to the cockpit. "Just be careful, Mesh'la," he asked me. 

"I am." I briefly placed my hand on his. "I promise." I let go of his hand again and put on my helmet. My fingers flew over the buttons in front of me, pressing one after the other, and after just a few seconds the engines roared to life.
Jason held his hand over his eyes, somewhat blinded, and took a few steps back. The tailwind from the engines pulled and tugged at his hair, causing it to flutter wildly. I pressed the button that was responsible for closing the roof. 

While the roof was still closing, I pushed the microphone from my helmet in front of my mouth and activated my radio. "This is Red 1." My flight name came from the fact that I was the captain of the Red Attack Squadron in our fleet. "Request clearance for takeoff." I radioed the tower. 

"This is Tower," came the roaring reply from the headphones built into my helmet. "You have a clear path Red 1, good luck out there."
I took one last look at Jason. He was still standing on the landing bay and looking at me through my windshield. I tapped my temple with two fingers as I left and could see him doing the same. I sighed, even though I would never admit it, Jason could be right. Something didn't feel right. The last time I had this feeling was when the First Order tracked us down on Ponehma a few months ago. 

I pushed my paranoia to the back of my mind for the time being. It was important to help our informant and that was all that mattered at the moment. With a slight tug, I pulled the controls up and took off from the ground. I left the landing bay at a moderate pace, after all, I didn't want to collide with another ship. As soon as I had put a few hundred meters between me and the approach path of our base, I accelerated and my fighter shot towards space. 

Clouds and a few birds flew past me. The forests below me were getting smaller and smaller, our base was now barely recognizable. Slowly but surely I began to approach the end of the atmosphere and began to type the coordinates of Iktotch into my navigation computer. BB8 was usually responsible for this, but he couldn't come with me today, something in his system was broken and until I found out what it was and repaired the damage, he wouldn't be ready for use again. 

For a few moments I simply enjoyed the view. The infinite depths of space stretched out before me. Our sun shone in the distance. Several planets orbited it. Here and there, fog in shimmering colors drifted around. An infinite number of stars sparkled at me. A quiet beep told me that the navigation computer had finished its calculations. I turned away from the view again and directed my mind to the upcoming mission. Iktotch was one of the first planets to be occupied by the First Order. I really hoped that the landing codes I had received from our informand were correct, otherwise I was done for. Without looking, I put my hand on the lever for the hyperdrive and pulled it back. A quiet hum sounded and the next moment the sparkling stars were replaced by the shimmering blue light of hyperspace.

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