Part 11

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~~~Lucy's perspective~~~

After clocking out I basically flew back to my apartment. I'm sitting on the bathroom floor waiting for the results of the pregnancy test. Holy shit I'm so nervous. I wasn't even that nervous when Tim and I had our first kiss. I look at the timer on my phone biting my fingernails. BEEP BEEP. Shit. It's time to find out if I'm pregnant or not. I flip the pregnancy test around. "Oh you got to be kidding me.." I sigh. Of course it came back negative. I instantly feel the tears building in my eyes. "Why.." I ask myself.

"Lucy? Are you okay in there?" Tamara knocks. I try to reply but I can't. It feels like my throat tightened and I'm unable to speak. "Lucy!" she yells and a few seconds later she's standing right in front of me. "Hey what's wrong Lucy?" she sits down besides me and strokes my back. I hand her the pregnancy test and Tamara looks sad. "Oh I'm so sorry Lucy" "N-No it's okay..don't be sorry." I finally get out. "Are you gonna tell Tim about it?" she asks. "Yes, I promised him yesterday that I would buy another test today...I have to tell him that it's negative..."

~~~Timeskip + Tim's perspective~~~

Since I had to walk Kojo after shift I directly went home instead to Lucy's. I'm sitting on my couch watching the game when my phone rings. It's Lucy. Fuck. Did anything happen? She never calls so soon after shift and she knew I was coming over as soon as the game's over."Lucy?" I answer the phone. "H-Hi...C-Can you come over already? We have to talk Tim.." Talk? Is she breaking up? Did I do something wrong? There's only one way to find out. "I'll be there in 10" I hang up the phone, grab my keys and drive to her place. I knock on the door nervously to find out what she wants to talk about. "Hey you..." she says. "Hey are you okay what happened?" I look straight into her puffy red eyes. "I-I-" tears stream down her face and I pull her into a tight hug.


We're sitting on the couch in silence. "Can you say something Tim because I feel really bad..." Lucy says. "I- I think we should keep trying Lucy. Of course it hurts. The chances of getting pregnant aren't 100% anymore. Having a family was and is my biggest dream. Dreams only come true if you keep going Lucy. I-" I get cut off by her lips pressed against mine. "Woah what was that for?" I smile. "For being the best boyfriend ever Tim. Everytime I'm sad- WE are sad, you keep cheering me up. This is all I ask for. You're so amazing Tim and I lo-" she stops mid sentence. "And?" I ask. Why didn't she say it? "I love you. Tim. I always have and I always will." "Y-You love me?" I smile. "Yes I do. With my whole freaking heart." she says. "I love you too Lucy Chen!" I reply giving her a kiss.


Normally the locker room is full of people in the morning but this morning I'm alone. Alone. Which means I'm all by myself and no one can see me. I sit down on the little bench in the middle of the locker room and put my head in my hands starring at the floor. Why can't we have a normal life? Why can't we have a family? Oh no. There's this feeling again. My eyes are watering and I didn't even fight the tears back this time. I let it all out. Now I'm sitting in the locker room crying like a kid who didn't get ice cream. Why is this life so unfair and cruel? I hear footsteps coming towards the locker room but I don't even care at this point. "Hey Tim- Woah what's wrong man?" Aaron says. "Get Angela" I mumble. "I uhm- Yeah sure!" he runs out of the locker room and returns with Angela a few moments later. "Timothy what's wrong?" Angela says with a soft voice trying to comfort me. "I- Lucy- W-We can't get pregnant. It came back negative again a-and I- I feel so guilty." "I'm so sorry Tim. You should keep trying but don't rush yourself into this. It needs time. I know you and Lucy are having a really hard time right now but don't let yourself down. You need to focus on the future and not the past Tim. This all wasn't your fault." she says while stroking my back. "Yeah I know. It's just- I'm sorry I had to let it out but I don't want to cry in front of Lucy." I say. "If you need anything I'm always here for you and Lucy okay? Never be afraid to ask for anything!"Angela says. "Angela you're my best friend and I appreciate you so much." I smile.

~~~Timeskip + Lucy's perspective~~~

"Who's down for the bar?" John asks into the group. Almost everyone agrees but Tim doesn't. "Wait why not?" I look at him. "Lucy we need some time for ourselves." He replies. Time for ourselves? I bet getting a few drinks is a perfect distraction from the fucked up life I'm currently living. "No Tim. I'm going. Getting a few drinks would be a great distraction from all the shit we have going on right now." I answer and grab my bag. "Fine. But if you want to leave, we always can!" Tim says and I smile at him.


We're at a bar called Las Torres. It's fun. Everyone is drinking their beer and other kind of drinks. "Let's get shots!" I suggest. "YEAH!" everyone immediately screams in response. After a few shots I can already feel my head spinning. I'm going to get so wasted tonight. I look over to Tim and he looks like he's about to get drunk as well. He's cute when he's drunk. I smile at him and down another shot. "COME ON LET'S DANCE!" Angela suggests and everyone is hiding behind their chairs dramatically. "Oh come on! It's not that bad!" she giggles. I try to walk over to Tim but I end up swaying no matter what. I try to focus on walking but end up tripping and falling straight into his arms. "Woah easy baby" he says with his hands around my waist. "On a scale from 1-10 how wasted are you Lucy?" "three!" I reply while holding up 4 fingers. Tim starts laughing. "You idiotttt it's not funny! Angela made me drink all these shottttssss!" I say dramatically. "You're cute when you're drunk Lucy!" he says while getting up. Unfortunately he falls back into his seat. "You're drunk too!" I giggle. "Maybe a little" He giggles. "And you're hot when you're drunk!" I tell him while looking at his lips. "Oh really? I mean...have you seen yourself Lucy Chen?" "No actually I didn't know I was that hot" I flirt. The flirting goes on for a while and to be honest I felt like the flirting Tim and I did all the time when we were T.O. and Boot. Tim stares at my lips. "Are you gonna kiss me or what?" I ask and with no hesitation his lips crash on mine. It was a soft kiss at first but it got heated pretty quick. He slides his tongue over my lips searching for permission to shove it into my mouth. In response I slightly part my lips and immediately I feel his tongue in my mouth. I didn't even think I would have a full on make out session with Tim at a bar! "Yall should get a room!" Nyla screams at us. Our heads part and we look at each other giggling.

A/N: Hey! This chapter is a mix of everything haha. I hope yall liked this one and tho.
Feel free to give requests. I love you all!

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