Chapter 21

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Luca's POV

I still couldn't sleep so I decided to hit the gym, to relieve some of my built up anger. I was so thankful during days like this that I managed to convince dad to let me install an indoor gym.

I put on my headphones and got to work, the punching bag being my enemy. I lost track of time, just recalling Carlo's words plus remembering my mum. All that brought out new phases of anger in me that needed to be vented out. Once I was finally in control and checked the time, it was past six now. I worked out for three hours. Everyone was still asleep, it was Sunday so they won't be awake probably till around 9.

I went up to freshen up and change my clothes. I didn't have to go to work today so I decided to just rest and do some work from home. I headed downstairs to make myself a cup of coffee, I was shocked at who I saw in the sitting room. It was Amaya, dressed in some casual crop top and ripped jeans paired with some sleek vans, she was looking very badass and beautiful if I could say that.

She turned to look in my direction, her face was free of any makeup. That's what I liked the most about her, she wasn't like other girls that always caked up their faces to look like clowns, she was a natural beauty. She looked surprised to see me here, probably because I don't live here anymore.

"Oh, good morning. Your mum didn't inform me that you were around", She said with a mixed expression. I didn't quite get if she was happy to see me or not.

"Yeah, I just thought i'lld stay for the weekend since it was Sunday already", I replied.

"Oh, okay"

"Does she know you're here", I pointed towards the stairs.

"Yeah, she knows"

"Right", I went on to the kitchen to make my coffee. "Can I get you anything while you wait?"

"No it's okay. Thank you"

"Sure", I don't know why I even asked. Like she would accept anything from me after my attitude towards her last night.

I finished making the coffee moving out of the kitchen while sipping on the coffee, just in time to see mum descending down the stairs. "Sorry for keeping you waiting dear", she smiled sweetly at Amaya.

"It's alright aunty, I didn't wait that long", she gave her a smile of her own. "Mum said she won't be able to make it today, she had an urgent occasion to take care of but she'll be here for the next"

"Oh, what a shame. But it's okay, we'll still make the best of it", she piped. Why do I feel like she already knew about this. She noticed me just then. "You're still here Luca? What a surprise", She added. She was being suspicious, she was definitely up to something. She knew I was staying the night. I just decided to go on with her plan, whatever it is.

"Good morning mum. I thought i'lld spend the weekend here since I didn't have any work", I informed her.

"Okay. That's okay, actually I and Amaya were meant to go ring shopping today, the wedding is in two weeks, the earlier the better right", she smiled.

"Hmmm", I wanted to see where this conversation was going.

"But since you're around and free today, why don't you go with her. I'm actually still really tired", she smiled at me. She's smiled way too much since she came down, I knew this was a trap.

"No aunty, it's okay. I can go alone if you're not free, it's nothing", Amaya told her. Looks like someone is trying to do anything to get rid of me.

"Oh no dear. I can't let you go alone"

"I'll go with her mum. It's no problem", I told her. Amaya looked visibly surprised, I was too. What was I doing?, I wasn't trying to get close to her or get acquainted. Fuck I needed her as far away from me, especially now with the threats getting bigger but somehow I still feel the need to have her close to me.

"Then it's settled", Mum said before I could even think of changing my mind. "Thank you dear. I'll go back to bed now. Have fun you two", she said turning back towards the stairs. I didn't miss the slight smirk and slight laughter that escaped her lips.

I turned back to see Amaya looking at me. "You really don't have to go with me"

"I'll just change and we can go", I dropped off the mug in the kitchen quickly rinsing it off and moving towards the stairs. I hope I won't regret this.


We had arrived at the jewelry store. The ride here was somewhat uncomfortable, none of us saying anything to each other. I was glad I could finally take a breath of fresh air. Once I got down, I moved over to Amaya's side to get the door for her.

"Thank you", Was her faint reply. She looked at the building in front of her in shock, amazement and confusion. I would be too, Carl's accessories was one of the most popular and renowned Jewelry stores here in New Zealand and the prices are what you guys would call overwhelming. I didn't mind though as far as she liked it.

"Are you sure we're at the right place", Amaya asked still looking at the building.

"Hmmm", was my short reply before I led her inside. "After you"

The interior of the store was beautiful with the jewelry in the cases glimmering under the light. I looked towards Amaya whose eyes were practically glued on every aspect of the store. From her expression, I could tell that I made the right choice. Her expression soon changed to that of confusion and I could easily realize why. The store was empty.

"I bought the entire store for the day", I told her.

"What? Why?"

"I don't like crowded spaces", was my reply to her, but that was far from the truth. In reality, I just wanted her to be free and have the leverage to pick whatever she likes without problem.


"Good morning Mr O'Brien", the female manager walked up to us. "The store is ready for you sir", she smiled.

"Shall we?", I nudged towards Amaya as the manager led the way. "Choose whatever you want", I told her going to sit down and began typing on my phone.

"Aren't you going to pick yours out?", She asked.

"I'll pick one before we leave, it shouldn't take much time", I replied. I had already pre ordered hers, personally customized. I waited while she looked around, just scrolling through my email and replying some important text messages.

About an hour had passed once I was done, I looked up to see her looking at something through the show glass. I could tell it wasn't a ring cause it was in the necklace and bracelet section. I stood up walking to her side.

"You done?", She jumped in reaction to my question probably shocked that I was at her side.

"Yeah, the lady is packing it up", she said "but she won't tell me the price", she scrunched her face.

"Don't worry about it, it's already been taking care of"

"Can I at least know the price, I don't want to get something too overly expensive and I wanted to pay too"

"You don't have to worry about the price, take it as a wedding gift or something", I replied as the lady came back with her order and mine.

"Have a nice day Mr O'Brien", she smiled to which I have a curt nod before we left.

"You can go to the car, I'll meet you there", I said handing her her order and the car keys.


1330 words😉

Okay so I think this chapter was a little better. Here's Lucas showing us his subtle display of love. Cliche?

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