Wednesday, April 28
I got woken up to the sound of the dudes already up and going in and out the door " shut the damn door" I heard Michael yell to Carl. " why yall up so damn earlier" I questioned "Javon it's 12 it's practically not even morning anymore" " damn I usually don't sleep that long" "yea well you didn't get back til 1 in the morning" Carl said tuning into the conversation "damn I don't even remember what time I got back it didn't feel that late" I said slightly confused "oh Izzy, Josie, and Macie coming over inna bit" Michael informed me " Izzy gets on my damn nerves sometimes" I said while sitting up and scratching the back of my head "why you say that" " you know that server girl" "Isabella Laroux" he said more as a question " yea her well Izzy was being a complete asshole to her when I was at the restaurant, they came and joined me and she had to wait our table and Izzy was just being rude to her for no reason at all" "okay why do you care" "nevermind" I said aggravated "I get what you mean man but you usually agree with the shit Izzy does even if it's dumb shit that's rude as fuck" "yea well her messing with that girl just pissed me off for sum reason because she doesn't do shit shes nice to everyone and stays to herself and only talks to a few people of choice" "damn you be studying this girl don't you" Carl chimed into slightly smirking at me "no I just noticed it" " um sure" Michael said going alone with Carl trying get on my nerves "well all imma say is Izzy needs to watch herself sometimes" "or what wanna" Michael said knowing I wasn't going to do anything because I knew Izzy liked me and that's the only reason I kept her around because I could get her to do anything for me "we'll see when the time comes" I said nonchalantly
We were sitting on the couches smoking when someone busted through the door making all us jump "wassup bitches" Izzy said practically yelling "damn Izzy you gotta stop doing that shit" Michael said trying to settle his nerves back down "you'll be fine" she said sitting down by me while taking the blunt out my hand and taking a few puffs then passing it to Josie "who said you could have my shit" I said pissed because I was still mad at her "what crawled up your ass and died" she said confused on why I had an attitude "nun now give me my shit back" "here you go your highness" she said sarcastically "what's his problem" she asked turning towards Michael and Carl "you fucked around with his bitch" Carl said jokingly "who the fuck is his bitch" she said confused and mad because she liked me "that waitress girl" Michael said " you really tryin fuck with her" she said turning to me in disbelief "it's not even like that your just an asshole to her for no damn reason" "and why is that any of your business" "I ain't finna argue with you over sum dumb shit in outta here" I said getting up and grabbing my stuff and heading out while Izzy following behind " why you leaving huh to go see your girl" "you do to damn much" "oh I do to much who is pissed at me over stupid shit" "just leave me the fuck alone why you even come around here" "oh that's how you feel you don't want me around" "yea all you do is cause shit and think being a asshole is cool well it's not" "wow I see how it is and how long have you felt this way or did your girl help you realize this" I was bout tired of her so I snatched my head around to look at her "just because someone actually gives a fuck about how someone gets treated doesn't make them together you just don't know how the fuck it feels to be defended in a argument because your the one they probably talking down on because your a piece of shit of a person" I said then walking away.
I got to my house and walked in, I was never here so it was nice not smelling strong weed or cigarettes for once . I sat on the couch and turned on the tv when my phone started blowing up from Izzy talking about how she was sorry and if I care about it so much she'll stop and just saying shit hoping I'll forgive her because people like her is what you call attached. Me and Izzy been friends for years but I never saw her like that and I never thought she looked at me that way but she did and has for a while and I don't know how to tell her ion like her like that because I know how she is and she's just not someone I'd picture myself with, just to get her to stop blowing me up I told her it's okay and she just started trying to start a conversation but I wasn't in the mood so I was just replying dryly hoping she'd stop texting me but she didn't so I just started taking forever to respond but that didn't stop her either.
I didn't know what to do but I was bored, I probably should've went to school but ion really care about that. I don't really go down to the inn til around 4 because that's when John, the owner was there or later because he worked someone else while owning the restaurant. I gotta text from Michael saying that Chris and Brook was there and Izzy and them lefts so I decided to just go back and hang with them because I had nothing better to do.

In the city I was raised|Javon Walton
FanfictionIn which a girl helps a guy through the struggles of his life and realizes they have more in common than they thought, but will their differences get in the way?