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Tuesday, May 16
I was at Nicos and we was just talking about things that we needed to get done then my phone started ringing and it was Isabella "ay wassup ma" "you still at Nicos" she said sounding upset like she's been crying "ay what's wrong ma" "my parents got into a accident" "shit I'll be there inna minute" "okay" "ay man I gotta go" I told Nico "you good man go to your girl" I got up and quickly got out to the car and headed to her house. I made it and went up to her room and she was just crying and it hurt me to see her this way, "she's gone" "who's gone Isabella" "my mom" she said barley getting it out. Isabella's mom was there for me as much as Isabella was so hearing that it broke me a little because she truly a good hearted woman "what about your dad" "he'll be fine they said" "that's good at least you still have him" "yea I guess"
I stayed with her and comforted her, she didn't want to admit it but she cared about her dad but he just wanted around much so she act like she didn't care but I knew she did. We were laying there then Nico called me I wasn't going to answer it because of Isabella but she seen it and told me too which I did "hey you with yo girl" "yea" "I think you want to leave the one for this one" "alright" "I'll be back" I told Isabella as I walked into the hall " it wasn't a accident" "what wasn't a accident" "the crash" "wait how you know" "I got my boys to look into it" "and they found out who her people was and targeted them since they knew it would get to her and it would somehow affect you" "that's dumb asf well because their petty shit her moms dead" "well they think both of them are dead so don't let them find out it was just her or they won't rest til they get him too" "what's the point of getting them" "because they can't get to her because she's always around u and us so they gonna get to her in a different way and by them hurting her they want to get you mad so you can come up and deal with them" "I ain't finna go at them alone" "I know but they don't know that" "we need to talk the rest of them down" "I know but they ain't staying in the same place they keep jumping around so we can't get to them like we did pitbull" "guess we all gonna have to go in different directions then" "you willing to do that" "yea whatever it takes to get them off our asses" "come over whenever you get time and we'll have to see what we can do" "alright man" "well imma let you get back to her" "alright talk to you later" "alright bye" he said as he hung up.
I didn't know what to do about all of this it was to much at once but what I did know is if we wanted this shit to stop we would have to get rid of them, all of them.

In the city I was raised|Javon WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now