Saturday, May 1st
I woke up to the smell of food which was odd because no one was ever up this early so I headed down stairs to meet eyes with my mom who was cooking, "good morning sweetheart" "good morning why are you up so early" "I just wanted to do something nice since I have the time too now" "oh okay" "so what you have planned for today" "nothing much really" "what about we go and just hang out together" I was glad my mom wanted to hang with me more but I wasn't really use to it so it was a bit weird but I liked it. "yea we can do that" I said with a bit of excitement in my voice.
I didn't go back to the building where everyone else was I went to my house because I didn't feel like being around them right now definitely knowing Izzy and them was going to be there and I don't have time for her at the moment. I should have never tried to keep cool with Izzy because what does she got on me really, I didn't know what to do all I knew is that Isabella was upset with me and for some reason it really messed with my head. I was just laying around when Carl called my phone "hello" I said in confusion because he never called me "hey bro where are you" "home, why?" "wtf happened between you and Izzy" "wym nothing" "well Noah's up here talking shit about how you need to stop fucking around with her or he's gonna fuck you up" "man Noah ain't finna do shit" "yea i know but Izzy is a crazy bitch so ion put nothing past her" "you can say that again" "man Izzy was up here this morning with her shit, we was just tryin sleep when she's gonna bust up in here like she owned the place talking about where the fuck is wanna I need talk to him and we told her you wasn't here and she said went on about some he's probably with that bitch then she just left" "who the fuck she think I'm with" "now you know damn well the only girl she calls a bitch over you" "man if she's talking about Isabella then she need to sit the fuck down somewhere because she already started shit between us" " how she do that" "well we kissed the other night and I kinda lied to her so she could get off my back and told her that I only hung out with Isabella because I felt bad for her and she took it upon herself to tell Isabella all that and she's upset that I only hang out with her because I feel bad, when I told her I didn't mean it and tried apologizing but imma just leave her alone if she wants to talk to me she will if she doesn't then it's whatever I guess" "she'll come back I just know she will" "well I hope your right" "do you like her" "like more than friend" "yea" "I don't know honestly" "it seems like you do" "I don't know maybe I just don't wanna put my trust in her and she just picks up and leaves on me" "not everyone's like that" "yea I know but you never know" "you have a point" "well imma let you go thanks for warning me" "no problem man talk too ya later" "alright be safe man" "you too" I hung up and went back to being bored.
I spent the whole day with my mom and it was great, it was 9 so we headed home before it got any later. I went up to my room and put all my stuff away when my phone started to ring from an unknown number, I answer and no one said anything there was just loud music in the background then they hung up, weird. I was in the shower when my phone went off from a message I opened it and it was from the same number that called earlier I opened it and it read, "hey isa this is Javon I know you're probably still made at me but I need you please come and get me I need to get away from here" all I needed to read was he needed me and I jumped out the shower real quick and got dressed, I ran down the stairs while yelling across the house informing my mom where I was going "I'm going to the store real quick I'll be back in a minute" "alright be safe don't be out too late" if I'm being honest I barley heard what she said I just said "yes ma'am" and grabbed the keys and ran out the door. "send me this address Javon" "okay" "I'm on my way" "okay thank you" "no problem I told you I was here for you" I didn't know what was wrong or what happened but that didn't matter all that mattered to me is if he was okay. I got there and he was waiting out in the yard of a big house I guess they were having a party at, I rolled down the window to get his attention and he looked around before walking towards the car and getting in "thank you so much" "your welcome now what's wrong are you hurt" I said grabbing his face making sure he was fine "I'm fine it's just that" "just what" "Izzy's people that she has connection too are after me because she started some shit over hell if I know" "what do you by they're after you" "you know exactly what I mean" he said suggesting that he shouldn't say it "no you can't go home then" "where am I going to go then" "my house" "are you sure" "yes my mom won't mind she's probably sleep anyways because she got to work in the morning at 5 so she'll be gone before we even think of waking up" "I couldn't ask for anyone else in my life, your a life saver" those words coming from him made my heart skip a beat and I could feel my face warming up in awe " we should stop by your house before hand to get you something for a couple of days just in case they think about going there" "are you sure about a few days I could always find someone to stay with" "um no you're not going to random peoples houses I got you" he didn't say nothing just smiled at me. We got back to my house; I opened the door and we went in, I stopped to take off my shoes as he quietly shut the door . We headed upstairs and into my room, I was laying down watching a show as he took a shower. He got out and I was shocked by his appearance, his shorts was just below his waistline he didn't have a shirt and you could see his defined abs. I looked away as I caught myself staring he looked at me and giggled as he noticed my reaction "I left my shirt on the bed my bad" he said grabbing his shirt and putting it on "watcha watching" "I don't even know I just put something on" he went and sat on the chair "you can get on the bed, make yourself at home" "alright thanks" we were just watching the show and I felt myself drifting off.

In the city I was raised|Javon Walton
FanfictionIn which a girl helps a guy through the struggles of his life and realizes they have more in common than they thought, but will their differences get in the way?