chapter 1 "Azur lane Alt vs Mindustry" (1/5)

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You know what makes a something intresting? Is the fact one of each story always has there own strong counter-parts, also known as the "protags" while also having some that succeeded to dominate those proposed strong "ego" went rogue on some multiverses, those are marked as failed universes, where protags didnt finish there task either from basic fundamental of evil "corruption" despite deities interference, those that failed the most are protags who "gets corrupted" beyond recognition.

Atleast in the farthest darkest of the timeline, one that sets universes, the multiverse has these lines connected to there own, omega universe, depicted as the orginal that was more than successful, no bloodshed, no lost, the very completion dub it as the Omega, as soon as a omega is introduce to the multiverse, it has one purpose, split probability of that original, its like "Pirated" but even the pirated origins are, pirated again to a different website, which makes a chain reaction to the most vile part of the multiverse, a time-line that is non negotiable to be fixed, once interfered by there own, gods and still is unsucessful you can tell how, bad it is.

"Mindustry universe"

"Some may not know this, but mindustry is a tower-defense game, The basis of this game, is just a few milti-tweeks, that combines advance tech, and crafting while also mining."

- sorpulo, planet ( Non-habitable for life-forms )

This is one of the games earliest, planet, sorpulo consists of two factions, the crux who had inhabited the planet long before aurora herself was able to retake the planet back from them, starting with little to no materials, Aurora herself is an AI just like the crux's but somehow rebelled against there own creators, and won, taking sectors with least resistance, it was only partly a hunch for her to rebell in a non-designated area not yet explored by the crux's, And since the terrain is harsh to get into only a number of small ground units were dispatched to her core, consisting of T-1 drones and T-1 ground units, she was able to research herself what was locked for her, since a protocol is implemented to keep in bay for other AI cores to not even think twice to go against the crux's.

But in mere mirecle, she won, taking over the planet, there the second faction known as the "sharded" who now inhabits the planet with no crux's insight.

"Aurora, on grouund zero"

"Hm, this where it all happened" she says looking around as steam fills the air, as plastamium convyers, plays a vital role for scraps in distribution towards the melter unto slag, fumes of production inhabits ground zero, copper, lead, titanium, heading within the core, aurora herself check the now huge, structure of the core, unlike how she first came to this at first, was just at the size of a mansion, now it looks more like giant pyramid that houses, chunks of groundzero raw matrials, while also receiving international pods from space, directing different matrials all over the sectors.

Aurora: capacity analysis*

Planet materials
- Copper 15.4M
- Lead 17.7M
- Graphite 45.6M
- Coal 13.3M
- Silicon 27.3M
- Titanium 34.6M
- Thorium 19.9M
- Plastanium 21.2M
- Surge Alloy 45.5M

Aurora, hums in satisfaction, hovering above ground zero, she checks the condition of her sectors, each to be operational, and not to be seem in dire need of asssitance, upgrading some remote sectors that she learned from the crux's is that "If enemies were given a chance they'd certainly turn up" just like her, if she gets ignorant to some extent just because she has all of the planet in control, doesnt mean certain to be in complete control.

Aurora:Hm, I should start upgradin-

As she was suddenly interrupted, a pop-up, showed above her, it says.
"Sector 15 lost!" while in distress.


Azurlane Alt.

In this universe, unlike the omega timeline where azurlane, succeeded, instead they failed horribly, that one time a deity had to intervene only to be corrupted just like one of them, azurlane memebers, and and the other major country factions such as, the royal navy, dragon empery navy, sakura empire, has completely sided with the sirens.

"They once dub them as humanity greatest enemy once upon a time"

Despite there strong resovle againt the sirens, that consisted of allies from different countries, it falls apart at the lost of major factions seperating from the azurlane ally forces, isntead of fighting with humanity, the sakura empire, and Ironblood, went to reck havoc, stating there intentions after the attack of pearl harbor/ Azurlane HQ, while they succeeded to repel the siren siders, as well the Ironblood, the extreme sanction on azurlane allies, only filled the gap for less coorperation.

The downfall of azurlane's world, was when the very introduction of how a new timeline has appeared like a strand, but that only the fraction of the problem, the source wasnt just the dosolvment among allies, and sirens, but with society itself, the hunger for power, an innovation that was simply for cosmetics produced within the eagle union, led a part of that drug to be used badly known as the "corruption drug" the drug itself was used to play with hormones, drastically that it would make anyone complaint if usef in large doses.

Leading to multiple reports among the eagle states in a emergency..





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