Chapter 6 "Mandela catalogue vs Cultivators" (1/5)

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In the heavy wisper of the night, somewhere at a uncertain woods, we see a man running despite his breath overtooken by exhaustion, he kept running deep within the woods, as his destination was neither anywhere, but rather just evading as much for his life depends on it, adam, one of last few individuals who has survived the ordeal that happened at mandela county.

The current situation ia clear enough of what exactly his running from, an alternate that is haunting since that day during his visit, with the man on the television, but somehow able to escape for years on end, this forest is where adams hide-out is saturated, a bunker personally made to sustain him for years in seclusion without any human contact, he occassionally goes in public only for news outlet of the re-occuring silent invaders, the alternates, who can mimic human appearance, seemingly replacing them in secretion, adam doesnt know how much has the alternates have succeeded too, but he can tell already by the looks of it, a quarter of the US papulation, as actual news became silent of them.

One day, adam as his week end routine hidden by a huddy with a jacket on, goes into the neighboring community close to him for another news paper handout at a close, post office of the county his in, the date is 2015 around december 15, it was a chilly days for adam as more snow blocks his air vents that resides above his bunker underground, this time and year its rather harsh as 6 inches of snow is easily replaced by another batch just as few hours hes in, seeing this adam decides to go into the neighboring early today due to the weather.

He had a truck parked at a nearby gas-station just a few miles his in, gotten the permission of a friend that lives there, its a sort of semi-house store, that is being operated there with his sweet family, during this years of hiding adam has been searching for a weakness against these monsters he runs away from, although from much work he gone through, with some goverment emergency VHS tapes he aquired, adam has found an somewhat effective repellent againts the alternates, but it was simply.. "Not enough"

His body has gone alot of changes duet to his constant seclusion underground, lack of vitamins, rinkled, vitamin deffeincy, he has grown quite the old timer, but not old enough for basic principles, like certain walks, and running, despite his condition its standard enough for him to forth through the days, although thats the case, he has degraded. It happened during this day, the unfortunate day where he has to once again witness, a terror of cruelty.

As he walks his way into the deep snow, at a hill he can faintly see the familiar roads uphead though deserted naturally due to the thick snow, there were some signs of tempering he says "probably some delivery trucks looking for a place to stay" as adam head down unto the hill tops heading towards the roads, he follows on it at north-east, just a few miles closening his eyes the scenery change as his vision goes in the distance, rather than his usual sight of a gas-station though he sees fumes of smoke arising from it, shocking adam to hurry up his pace.

Running as fast as he could just right near the burning building, "there was no one there" making adam worried shouting his lungs up for anyone pleading to who is neaby searching the vicinity of building till back to front in the sides the right wall was destroyed with tire tracks seens to be ravaging itself in forcefully in shock says "my god... Just what in blazes is-" interrupted before he was going to check the burning contents of the truck, he heard a familiar plead for help at the the back door, caughing contantly, as he also sees his truck parked away the building a girl of the child his proposed friend.

"Pleas-e help me" she says.

Running onwards her, as she pass out from the fumes she inahaled, adam checks her pulls, it was silent- No, it didnt felt like she was alive, but rather her touch was, not just that but.. "Inhaling fumes can leave the human body presence of heat why is sh-" as his suspicion was true the suddenly the head of the passed out girl excessively turned sides ways all the way her back, as she says unaudible voices of all her family member, as strange mutations discomforts the human instinct making adam run for his truck as the alternate screech lunging unto him, dodging intime making into his car, as his turn on the ignitions.

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