chapter 4 "Azurlane Alt vs Mindustry" (4/5)

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It begins!

The map of ground zero:

The top part of this map is where the crack resides, with small arms from the other side of the mindustry world

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The top part of this map is where the crack resides, with small arms from the other side of the mindustry world. Usually enemies would arrive in drop pods, where a warning area for enemies to drop. Due to its natural shock wave, the area is considered dangerous as it destroys nearly anything in its vicinity, but unlike the drop site protocol, this is going to be a sort of "base" sector without a core (obviously) since humans from the other side, fortifications are light due to them manually doing labor.

Aurora herself can replicate tech to existence with a small price of raw or processed materials

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Aurora herself can replicate tech to existence with a small price of raw or processed materials. By replicate, she is a built-in construction droid, and although she is powered by a superior AI that is stored on her core, she cannot be connected to all her cores at once. She has hundreds of cores around the planet of Sorpulo alone, not including Erika and the Astroid Belt, which makes her vulnerable to prior attacks.





Hell(o)- can anyone hear me?


The- Crack exhibition has fai-led, enforcement is deemed useles(s), The other side is too powerful, we are under- siege?

*Crackle* *Screams*

*Ground shakes*

Operator: W-7We neEd to get Out of here!

"It's useless to keep this place intact; we lost the front line; all lines are being breached. If we can escape now, we will be able to send an input emergency protocol to HQ; grab your things now!"

As the outside forces ensued, outside their tent, a private went to rush into headquarters, saying in adudible distress, "Admiral, we have a more dire situation! A giant fortress is hovering above us!" In a panic, the private immediately went to continue with the forces condition.

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