Chapter 6 "Azurlane Alt vs Mindustry" (5/5) perpetual war

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The multiverse, consisting of the most denses multi-structural dimensions, universe's, timelines that aligns itself to nonexistent space for it expand its reaches to beyond, from where it imploded and reaches, as for the following line of universes such as the timelines, amplifies special "environmental sprout" the interference that wasnt suppose to happen brings a new forth of approach to the knot, like sometimes universes could be having special occurance changing its power to something sustainable.

Like magic, or witch-craft, or technogical empowerment, the very introduction to a more formidable threat, a perfect example of this how, humans are more prone to not knowing threat, there curiosity to information are edged.

The vortex stables all of those, it prevents what is sent into further universes that are itself very fragile, and could intertwine what is connected to it, even far worse are the effectivty of this upon contact to omega universes, however despite it still not in connection to those particular one's, they could still sprout the concept unconditionally.


Sector ground zero
| Sector Capture |
Condition: (secured)

"We've finally made it, the crack that separates us to the otherside, although the resistance was nothing more than a major fortification these people put up quite a fight"

Aurora, in control of the corvus she looks around the massive destruction her ground unit can inflict in normal means for these creatures, hundred of few flee from her sigh as just where she droped landed, by another T-5 in the Air that carried her here deep within the core, the Oct which not only protected her but also put an end to them by dropping thorium reactors high above.

Although there fortification was rather fragile not in par as hers using actually matrials like made for both making units, but also turrets she specialize in that pratically has all of that can be measured heavily alone, if not for the small terrain it could have been much more different unlike what she did by holding on her ground due to the close proximity its vulnerability to HE ammunition, as not one but 2/3 of the blast radius can be damaged or destroyed if not for auroras polly's repairing broken structures, which played many vital role in succeeding on retaking groud zero.

Just like what happened a few hours ago, the frontlines that engaged on her with no plan in mind other but barbaric moves, they instead made there way through skills & strength however shes an A.I infact a sentient one that doesnt overlook success of what is being show clearly, aurora took advantage of that.


As aurora's corvus went its way on forward she looks around, ashes of fumes from her nuzzle as it begis to fuse and cool, the destruction she cost of engaging by Ieon blast show itself melten magma, as not one fortress near her stand either from the initial blast or the shock wave that reduced the surrounding just 1 mile the crack.

She approaches slowly but surely as the crack has unsual wired contraption intact on it is, possibly that simi-projection that prevents what comes in and out, she sees it in some sort of smoged smoked either it got fried from overloading from her shot, or the electronic after shock, that shut them down temporarily, but one things for sure, there atleast a extreme level threat on her radar, but due to its special circumstances it was categorized as "Eradication"

"She paused for a bit" overlooking the small fortifications below, as aurora's stomps shakes the cave, she was about to cross until, something attacked her at the front of her nuzzle as it explodes in impact, however ir didnt do much but turn on the protective barrier, she turns to what shot her, it was one of them again"

"oh, I thought you all fled into the gate, you remained knowing here you lost?"

"infront of her was none other than" enterprise the girl saids, she states her name right infront a formidable foe, but for aurora just her condition alone she connot be thinking of fighting her alone is she, looking at her condition aurora perks up "how come you side with such vile creatures" aurora says in direct tone to enterprise, as she begins to dwindle her frown meets the rocky terrain below her, knowing full well what aurora said.

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