chapter 7 "Undertale vs Blue archive" (1/5)

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blue archive..


nce upon a time, In a world fueled by the very essense of of its former world.

A world, that has went through the change of care, united as one banners upon a arrival of there savior.


Issued to be incharged tasking of helping kivotos in an surge of uprising problems that are needed to be dealt with, requested by the missing general council president.

Schale, a mysterious factions known for its anonymous general prefect of request ranging in between the line of legal & non-legal standards.

Its a unknown fact of whom initiated first, the council or was it schale.

In due to the missing head council leader, a major tensions arised territories of acadamies tensions itself, as seens to many district prefect leaders of each follwing academies with her not present to forsee the activities in bound, academies begun to go rogue.


In just a few months however were somehow fixed due to sensei interest in line to be like there own council leader he is appointed to retract into various academies checked upon knowing them well.


In a particular night, something big had just happened.

Within the investigation beru.

"reports is in head prefect"

"relay it"


"Under investigation apart of there units in site, gang members are confirmed to be dead by a non-categorized inflicted weapon, shown in the documents picture taken we believe it maybe a knife of sort, however despite its small sized results, its impact is rather enormous infact it maybe itself simultaneously coursed"

The head prefect sighs, as she sits up unto towards the windows, for a moment she sees her reflection although its shodowed merely half of it, as her halo sheats dark elisions.

"Confirmed casualty?"

as she turns back to ako, as she hesitates for a moment..

She retors again-

"Report now"

She turns to glare at her, as she resonates a heavy aura.

{°Sorasaki Hina°} ®
-Disciplinary committee head prefect of Gehnna.

Ako: Yes.. Casualties are astonishingly high, about 34 gang members were decimated, frighting of all it seems one enemy was present..

Hina, is silent for moment as she conjours the casualties made in one of gehnna's district area around about late evening, formost is the facts its one of most busy district aside from the non-legal goods established further in the ally ways, it was far too in for comfort as civilians could have been part of that incident.

As she continued to contemplated on the matter she begins to wonder, of who or what attacked, without being noticed by the security camera place everywhere on that part of the section, security could have notably notice something atleast however due to a sudden malfunction to most of the area, electrical lines were disabled temporary in brief moment after a breach was called in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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