chapter 2 "Azurlane Alt vs Mindustry" (2/5)

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On eagle union.. The state was in untter chaos.

Multiple reports shows a high dosage of an uknown substance at this time only to find out the people who recovered from these drugs, found in the department of research of health and safety, developed personality traits of a sadistic ogmentations from the drugs, as such states of the eagle union, started a huge hiest on this drug rings originated from, only to be turned and corrupted just as part of them, this time using there available manipulation to act obtained from these traits, to infiltrate the eagle union, either from stolen confidential files or sabotaging m forces from the inside.

It was then, azurlane specifically were targeted first by these sicken individuals, I mean having corrupt a navy that can go both ways between shore, and land, and attack from distances its perfect, every inch and crevices of azurlane could also resupply to make more of the drugs, making a drug empire unknowingly by the civilians already inatact, they continue to grow more and more, as if acting like a cancern in between all of the states, it eats silently.

And thus, soon after even what was supposed to be a fair "democratic" eagle union, now expose with facade underneath, a drug emipire that never stops.

Other countries also were exposed by these while a few starts to refuse to not know, some who did were viewed as, terorist within the countries inflicted highly, as random excutions happen in daily basis now in order to keep the truth hidden from the public eyes, those who resisted were only a handful, this all started when someone introduced this drug innovation to the criminals who partake in power surges, but to be honest the truth it being a "innovation" that eagle union made it is a complete lie, when truth be told the sirens did this intentionally.

Becuase, this triggers a certain ego for more power for them to obtain, why stoop low at there when someone with higher in position can give you more benifits right?

Azurlane, became a symbol of this world terror, causing havoc to opposing countries who havent succumbed to the drug empire, left and right they fall due to there full cooperation unlike before they work to Conquer, freedom is power of will, just as they see it..

At ground zero (sector 15)

"all units secure ground zero if possible" As aurora send out a order among the nearest secotor on ground zero, it becomes clear something is there and she needs to find out "I was just there, how is it being taken over" she says exploring around the vicinity of sectors to what could anchor such thing to happen, when its supposed to be captured "T-2 building units- fortify borders, watch out for incoming enemies" she orders again as hundreds of drones builds walls to protect sectors, mainly factorized once, with less weaponry that can take less risistance aurora dwells "alright, lets send a core I need to retake ground zero back, and find out whats going on" as she presses on sector ground zero, to her devestation it says difficulty "Eradication" Theres only a handful of eradication area's near ground zero, but for it to be classified as eradication, its more or less going to take the vicinity sector in low effort "Fine" she prays hoping whats left of ground zero..

As the core launches towards the sky, its upper part detaches releasing multiple thrusters below, the core is heading to groundzero, as it carries amounts of matrials using it to take over ground zero with aurora determined to not fall like the crux's did..

With the core landing on the same spot, as she always had remember it , she began to explore seeing what used to be her core in shambles, as shards of the core that was attack leaves tainted black puff smoke, indicating a recent fight occured, exploring a bit the only entrance of the cave to ground zero, shes suprised as what seems to be a crack on the entrance, seeing fortifications, she perked up to see more as units or "little" units the size of T-1 bug less armored than any units she has, they began to interact with each other, aurora is stunned, but the planet was suppose to be unhabitable for living lifeforms, she says "how is this possible"

But as she ponders on the life-forms that was manually fortifying the crack, suddey on her top left, a pop-up sign she's very familiar with..

Wave 1/???

Time: 20:59 minutes >

"Huh" she says as what she can tell only the crux's so far has she fought with, despite that if a timer is being timed for a wave, it says, enemies are coming, not with good intentions, and since they taken ground zero, that crack must have another side "So lifeforms from another world" she says then "Declaring war already?" as she was observing from a far away, she couldnt help but seea glare, far from her sights although a hunch, its there, which she then levitated back to her core, preparing for a counter offence.

In just a few minutes..

Aurora herself T-1 mining drones, that needs a constant aimf for silicon, and decides to build the air units printer next to the core , as its being supplied by the core on a unloader without any sorters it gets things done, she began to rebuild the international pod for material supplies, and also made a router for the Air units to redirect them to T-2 unit buildings to fasten the pase in building time, it was starting to look fortified, and then proceeded to build the walls (defensive).

By her observant eyes, already she can tell by the scraves of her core before she explored, they mainly used kenetic powered weapons, due to some holes on drills, and the converyers itself had holes or either explosives, obviously she made thorium wallls, and surge alloy walls, first kenetic rounds m gets bounce off by surge alloy walls, and thorium is best in obsorbing explosive rounds either from a hail or a ripple but what makes quick work for any strong enemies are probably melt down, and foreshadow.

The outline around the core consists of mostly turrents, hail, round supplied with pyrite, while small arms like scatters, and lancers usually fueld with power, scatters are basic air defense, as the main turrets are spectre's, supplied with silicon for a homing effect, but few of them are honed with pyrite, and graphite and thorium, next was the most power consuming 2 of each sides within rage just within the walls, the melt downs just incase somethings gets through.

I didnt take long to set up the base of the core, even eradication levels cant take this many turrets but for aurora, this was competely unknow for her, with the help of t-2 building units the base is done no loops holes.

the count down begins it last minute..

Wave 1/???

Time: 59 sec. >

Aurora: Now comes, the unknown, but I cannot end up as my predecessors.

As the count down ends.. The crack what seems to be hundreds of life-forms in high density, what suprises aurora wasnt that they were different, but that she just witnessed magic, as one of there people starts a old type of a machine (A tank) they start to form human like, which kinda startled aurora..

Aurora: lets begin.





(2/5) chapter.
To be continued.

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