I Don't Want to Recognise You

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A gun and a purple Yukata.

He tried to convince himself that it could be anyone's, but the intricate design of the gun was all too familiar.

It was unmistakably Genya's.

One of the people reached out a hand to him.


Muichiro slapped it away.

"Where did you get these."

"It's alright, just-"


He demanded, voice laced with hatred as he glared daggers into the man before him.

A crowd was growing around them now, intrigued by the commotion Muichiro had caused.

A small child piped up.

"I know! I found it outside!"

Muichiro's eyes flickered between the kid and man.

Keeping his eyes trained on them, he grabbed the Gun and Yukata, starting to slowly back away towards the large gate.

"We can't just let you leave."

Someone from the crowd commanded, taking a step forward.

Muichiro flicked off the safety of the gun.

"Try stop me."

He hissed, holding it up to the crowd.

Everyone seemed to shrink in the presence of the gun, murmuring.

Muichiro pushed the gate open with his foot, stepping out and giving a last glare as the gates swung shut once again, sealing him outside.

He lowered the gun, taking a breath.

"I should've gotten a fucking shirt."


Muichiro felt like he'd searched half of Japan before he finally took a break. Every building had searched had been empty of anything that could point him in the right direction.

He looked up at the sky, looking to determine how long he had before Nightfall. By the looks of it, he still had a few hours before he'd have to settle down for the night.

Dark storm clouds were rolling in, promising a shower of rain. Hopefully it wouldn't hit until after Muichiro was done searching, but with how much the world seemed to love him, that was very unlikely.

He picked himself up off the floor, dusting himself off and heading towards the next building. There was still a few in the area he hadn't checked, and searching them before dark wouldn't be too challenging.


Muichiro pushed the door open slowly, hearing it creak open.

In one hand he gripped onto the gun, leaving the other free. The Yukata was draped loosely over his shoulder.


He called out, his voice echoing eerily throughout the halls.

Muichiro pushed open each door one by one, peering inside. Each one seemed to be emptier than the last.

He stopped before the last door, his stomach churning. The door was jammed shut, blocked from the inside.

He forced it open, the large dresser behind the door scraping against the floor.

The stench in the room was worse than at the store, being trapped for so long.

He was quick to notice the body.

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