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"So, you'll probably want to go take a bath now I guess."

Genya suggested, locking the gate behind him.

"Yeah probably." Muichiro waited for him to catch up along the path. "Are you going to?"

"After you go yeah."

Muichiro frowned. "Just come with me. Y'know, save water and stuff."

"The water amount doesn't change though it wouldn't be saving any-"

Muichiro shut him up. "To save water."

Genya's eyes widened as the realization hit. "OH, right yeah we gotta save water."


Getting in the water was the most awkward part, because there's a slight moment between taking off your clothes and getting in the bath where your both naked in front of each other.

Luckily Muichiro had mastered the art of looking away, though it was with much difficulty.

They sat about three feet apart in the water, and Muichiro began questioning if this had been a good idea. He didn't think it would be this awkward.

Trying to act normal, he reached for the shampoo, remembering how knotted his hair was.

"Need help?" Genya mustered up the courage to ask, face red as a tomato.

"Sure." Muichiro tossed him the shampoo, turning his back to him.

Genya moved forward, just close enough to reach for Muichiro's hair, gently lathering in shampoo.

Muichiro had a lot of hair, and Genya couldn't help but wonder how he usually managed to wash it all himself.

Muichiro shuddered when Genya's hand accidentally brushed against his back, and Genya immediately pulled his hand back.


"It's fine." Muichiro muttered.

"Are you sure?" Genya asked, reaching a hand around to rest on top of the younger boy's hand.

"There's no way you can't see how this looks."

Genya, innocent as ever looked confused.


"I mean with this positioning, If someone where to look in it would look like-" He sighed shaking his head. "Forget it."

"No I wanna know what you meant."

Muichiro turned to look him in the eyes.

"You're older than me. How do you not know what I'm talking about?"

"You're being vague on purpose!"

"Genya, we are in the bath together, and you are standing very close behind me." Muichiro explained slowly.

"And your hand is reached around in front of me."

"Wha- oh. Oh my God no."

Genya jolted backwards at the realization.

"I swear I didn't mean-"

Muichiro cackled with laughter.

"I know."

Genya buried his red hot face in his hands.

"Why would you even say that!"

"Because your reaction is priceless."

Genya scowled. "Just hurry up and wash your hair out."

Muichiro dipped his head underneath the water, washing out the shampoo from his hair. The surrounding water turned soapy for a moment until he resurfaced and it dispersed.

Take Your Hands Off My Neck and Hold On To the Ghost Of My BodyWhere stories live. Discover now